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Both of My Books are Available in Digital PDF Downloads Via Writer’s Digest

Did you know that if you live in, say, Australia or China or Russia, you can still read my books without having to worry about tracking down someone who will expensively ship them to you?

That’s right, my books are digital!

They are not yet available for the Kindle, but they are available as PDF digital downloads from The Writer’s Digest Shop.

In the search box, type in “Christina Katz” and then choose the digital download versions of Get Known and Writer Mama.

You’ll be reading in minutes! Enjoy.

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  • susiemccray December 29, 2009, 11:19 pm

    Congratulations on going digital. I think this will allow more people to learn about everything you have to offer.

  • christinakatz December 30, 2009, 2:58 pm

    Thanks, Susie. Here's hoping that the Kindle is next! 🙂