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I Help Writers Transform Frustrations Into Published Writing


Frustration is a common feeling for writers who want to launch or grow writing careers.

And something I’ve been reminded of over the past few months is that frustration can be transformed into productivity.

But only if you are patient and only if you are paying close attention to your own process.

People often think that productivity has to do with superb organization or planning ahead or goal setting.

But it doesn’t.

It has little to do with all of those things and everything to do with accepting frustration and channeling it to accomplish the single next most important thing that needs to be done right now.

I am sure it is not news to you that creative people have a tendency to feel frustrated. To spin their wheels. To surf the web too much. To have draining or distracting “friends.” And to pine for something that they think is going to be magically bestowed upon them rather than earned.

And that’s why frustration is our friend.

Frustration burns in you when you see someone else succeed at something you wish you had succeeded at.

Frustration burns in you when you wonder why you should have to start at the beginning and work your way up when everyone else seems to just have opportunities handed to them.

Frustration burns in you when you finally do accomplish a goal only to find that the satisfaction is short-lived.

Frustration is our friend because we would be complacent without it.

We might become overly involved in other people’s concerns to distract ourselves from pursuing our own dreams.

We might be deathly afraid of being “selfish” enough to pursue our dreams because blindly following the status quo has been ingrained in us instead of the alternative…expressing our authentic selves.

For me, helping a student channel her inherent creativity in a prosperous way means helping her turn her frustration into productivity. It is not an easy feat but it can be accomplished. (I’ve been doing it for ten years.)

And when it happens, I feel like a matchmaker.

Not the kind of match-maker who introduces a person to someone else. But the kind of match-maker who introduces a person to a part of herself that she may not have previously been using. Perhaps a part of herself that was dormant, ignored or even feared.

Your frustrations are trying to tell you something. Bring me your frustrations and I will teach you to put them to work.

Thanks for reading! And thanks for sharing this post with fellow writers! Please subscribe to The Prosperous Writer Blog and sign up for The Prosperous Writer Newsletter for exclusive discounts you won’t find elsewhere. Click on the Enter School tab above to start learning.

[Because so many of my topics are timeless, this is an updated re-post of an earlier blog post.]





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  • Lela Davidson June 25, 2010, 12:57 pm

    You are so cool.
    “I am sure it is not news to you if you are reading this blog that creative people have a tendency to feel frustrated. To spin their wheels. To surf the web too much. To have draining or distracting “friends.” And to pine for something that they think is going to be magically bestowed upon them rather than earned.”
    Who, me?
    Looking forward to the class this fall!!!

  • Mary Jo June 25, 2010, 1:12 pm

    Great, uplifting message, Christina! I have plenty of frustrations to harness, especially within the last several weeks. One problem at a time. Write it out. Spit-polish till it shines. Release it to the world. Thanks for the reminder of tapping into our daily lives for writing fodder and therapy 🙂

  • Susan VB June 27, 2010, 7:20 pm

    Was feeling frustrated today and read your post. Can't wait till August!

  • christinakatz June 28, 2010, 12:24 am

    Me too, Susan! 🙂

  • christinakatz June 28, 2010, 12:25 am


  • CAR Williams June 28, 2010, 10:37 pm

    Thank you for this post! I have had a tough day and this post is right on time. You have targeted many (in fact, way too many) of my frustrations. I have to agree, it is my frustration with my career that has impelled me to get back into writing. I abandoned writing in the first place because a writer did not fit the expectations others had for me.

    Thanks again!

  • Kari Wolfe June 29, 2010, 4:58 pm

    Ah, that's so the way I feel. I think my life is all about frustration at the moment. I'll have to look at Writer Mama the next time I go to a bookstore 🙂 I have a daughter who is autistic–who requires a lot of work. Maybe your book will help me manage my frustrations (AND my time) a lot better? Hope so.

  • christinakatz June 29, 2010, 10:56 pm

    I would love to hear what you get out of it, Kari. If you'd like to purchase a signed copy, let me know and I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. 😉

  • christinakatz June 29, 2010, 11:05 pm

    I've got something that is going to be really helpful for you, Car. Stay tuned!

  • Kari Wolfe June 30, 2010, 12:07 am

    Contact me: kippras at gmail and we'll chat 🙂 I also do reviews on my blog. 🙂