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Quote 5: Permission Granted, 45 Reasons To Micro-publish

If the folks in traditional publishing have not figured out by now that most self-publishing authors stopped listening to what they had to say after they kept rejecting their and making them feel like less, than I think they are in for a big surprise in the coming decade.

Self-publishing writers are not going to be flocking to the doors of traditional publishing houses to avail themselves of new self-publishing services.

And the idea that they would, with all of the technology and assistance that is now widely and inexpensively available, is just silly.

Learn more about what the future is going to look like now that publishing is on a spectrum in my new book, Permission Granted, 45 Reasons To Micro-publish, on sale now in PDF with more digital formats rolling out soon.

In the coming years, writers will care less and less about publishing brands and care more and more about their own name as a brand. Anyone who is not viewing aspiring authors as a brands that might potentially change the world is just sleepwalking.

Aspiring authors and writers who have previously experienced a lot of rejection, usually from the folks in traditional publishing, tend to be a pretty scrappy, determined bunch. ~ Permission Granted, 45 Reasons To Micro-publish By Christina Katz

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