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Stop Making Rookie Grammar & Punctuation Mistakes For Good!

One of the biggest fears publishing writers have is making the kinds of mistakes that flag them as “rookies” in the eyes of editors.

If you have ever had this concern, you can benefit from a 20-day crash course in grammar & punctuation from a person who has been editing writers’ work for 13 years.

This is not one of those snooty let-me-tell-you-all-the-ways-you-don’t-measure-up-as-a-writer approaches.

These are the honest-t0-goodness, common mistakes corrected simply and easily, so you can catch yourself making errors in the future and adapt more professional writing habits.

Grammar snobs probably don’t need this challenge. But many writers favor the creative process over the grammatical one, and may even become resistant to learning about proper grammar and punctuation for fear of disrupting their creative rhythm.

If this sounds like you or if you have a genuine desire to improve your grammar and punctuation skills with a spoonful of sugar, then register now for the Christina Katz Grammar & Punctuation Challenge.

This challenge won’t insult you or talk down to you or minimize your concerns. It will simply show you the common mistakes many writers make and help you correct yours in the future.

Once again, I’ve priced this challenge to be short, sweet, and affordable.

So what are you waiting for? Register now—the challenge begins on Tuesday, April 1st.

Learn more and register here. Hope to work with you on this or one of my other challenges in April.

It’s also time to sign up for 21 Moments and Platform Bingo challenges.

Happy spring!

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