A little over a year ago, I wanted to figure out how to use the most current technology to create a monthly coaching series. I had some ups and downs in the first year, but I’ve settled into a happy groove over the past few months and I think more writers will love what I am offering.
The idea behind BYOWC is that everyone wants a writing coach but not everyone has a budget for personal coaching. For example, my phone consult rate is $150 an hour, and I recognize that not everyone wants to spend that much.
But for just $10 a month, paid by subscription, you can look forward to a ten-minute video pep talk on a specific writing-related topic in your inbox on the first Tuesday of each month. Subscribers also receive a tips lists, summarize the key points in each pep talk, and a goal-setting sheet for the month, which they can update to track goals.
Examples of topics include: finding your voice, getting paid on time every time, and how to do effective research without wasting time.
It sounds so simple, a pep talk, some tips, and a goal-setting worksheet, but writers needs are complex these days. There have never been so many distractions online. All of my tools for creatives center on offering encouraging words and advice for busy creatives. Sometimes we just need someone to remind us how simple it is to succeed in this business. Sometimes we just need someone to help us focus our attention. And sometimes we just need to hear some encouraging words from someone who knows what we are going through.
So what are you waiting for? Why not sign up now for Become Your Own Writing Coach and I’ll send you the pep talk and tips for How To Get Paid On Time Every Time. You’ll have to wait for your first subscription to get the goal-setting worksheets, but they are worth waiting for.
I have been teaching writers how to identify and reach their goals for over 15 years. Writers like working with me because I combine just the right amount of inspiration with just the right amount of butt-kicking.
Nobody offers the level of focused care that I offer. And no one can do what I do. So what in the world are you waiting for? Sign up for your subscription today and I will send you the video and tips that will help you get paid on time every time.
Other coaches and experts offer formulas. But those formulas are not customized to your needs and dreams. My Become Your Own Writing Coach program lets you stop beating yourself up for what you haven’t yet accomplished, and start discovering what you truly long to accomplish.
So much inspiration, so much time! Please subscribe to the Create, Share, Prosper blog and sign up for The Prosperous Creative ezine for exclusive discounts you won’t find elsewhere. Click on the Enter School tab above to put your creativity to prosperous use right now. Join my monthly pep talk video series because all the other prosperous writers are doing it. Like words? Check out my Etsy shop. And you haven’t seen anything, if you haven’t seen all the helpful offerings in my online shop. Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing this post with fellow creatives!
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Thanks Christina. I dont need a coach though. Honestly I am my own motivator. I have to be. I don’t have time for anything but following my ‘muse’. Just published my first two books and am on to book 3 and 4. WOOHOO! It can be done!
Thanks for commenting, Michelle. I’m glad for you, but of course many writers value my advice and get a lot out of it. My work does not only serve authors, but writers of any stripe. Best of luck on your path.