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Christina Katz Speaks To The Salem, Oregon Meeting Of Willamette Writers On January 8th

I am a long-time member, columnist, and supporter of Willamette Writers.

If you are an Oregon writer and you have not yet joined, I hope you will give yourself the gift of membership for the New Year!

Micro-publishing Revolution: How Short, Tight E-books Can Right the Wrongs of Publishing for Authors

Ownership and writing, these are two words that never seemed to go together for authors in the past. Before today, success as a writer was defined by who else wanted to publish your work. But tomorrow, long-term success for writers will hinge on developing the skills to micro-publish your own work and build a career that consistently identifies and serves a target audience. So, what are you waiting for? In this presentation, writing career coach, Christina Katz will ask key questions that will help you identify your strengths and establish your audience, so you can spend years to come happily and prosperously serving your readers.

The Salem Chapter meets at Macy’s, Salem Center (mezzanine level).
6:30-7 pm:         social time & refreshments*
7-8:30 pm:         news and member announcements followed by the speaker
* We will have snacks, but if you want coffee or water please bring them with you.

Chapters meetings are free to members of Willamette Writers and full-time students under 22 years old; guests of Willamette Writers members are $5. Non-members pay $10 to attend.
Please visit our website or Facebook page

If you are an Oregon writer, won’t you consider joining Willamette Writers?

If you are a writer who has benefited from Willamette Writers membership in the past, won’t you consider making a donation?

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