If you have taken classes with me before, then you know a few things about them.
For one thing, my classes are designed to take you from where you are right now to the next level.
Each class delivers actionable skills that can pay off for writers in the short and long runs.
You are not “done” when you finish a class of mine, but you definitely have skills and you know how to use them.
What you gain from my classes are insights into your desires and the ability to turn ideas into value.
Most writers who take my classes are willing to work steadily at reachable goals for cumulative success.
These philosophies permeate everything I teach and coach about. You’ll find me beating the drum of steady, gradual growth in my classes, coaching, and writing.
Teaching is the core of my career. It informs everything I do. Developing and offering writing career instruction is what I love.
I have gotten pretty good at it over the years and I am always improving.
If you are ready to expand a skill set and I teach a class in that area, I’d love to work with you.
My students tend to be a pretty satisfied bunch. I ask them to work and they work hard and grow.
In my experience, this is all most writers need to succeed.
Don’t you wish someone had told you a long time ago that it could really be this simple?
Grow, repeat, grow, repeat, grow, repeat—you need to find a way to make this your career dynamic.
Here’s a list of the classes I’m offering that begin on April 11th & 12th:
• Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff LINK
• Discover Your Specialty & Launch Your Platform LINK
• Pitching Practice: Writer Six Queries in Six Weeks LINK
• Micro-publishing for Mom Writers LINK
Next round of classes begins in August after this round.
All of my classes will be updated in August and the prices will go up to $299.00. So last time at this price!
Also, certain classes are required to join Dream Team training groups that begin in August.
Scholarships for WPSS and DYS-LYP will be posted next week.
Hope to work with you!