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Constant Contact: One Of The Best Career Investments I’ve Made

I have noticed that up-and-coming writers often make the mistake of thinking that the best things in their career are either free or close to free.

The problem with attitude is that it sets you up to overlook the very tools that lead to expanded success.

The tools that are free or almost free often don’t come with the same peace of mind and flexibility as tools that you pay for.

I started using Constant Contact many years ago because I was growing an e-mail newsletter list and, at the time, they were pretty much the only game in town.

There were some other services around back then but the quality differential was dramatic. Over the years, other companies have emerged that have provided similar services, but I’ve stayed with Constant Contact even though my monthly fee for using the service has gone up, not down.

Why do I use and stay with Constant Contact?

I have had a newsletter for many years. Constant Contact has been my primary way of communicating with and keeping in touch with readers. I completely trust Constant Contact with all of my precious subscriber information.

Constant Contact has steadily improved their services. They offer a wide variety of templates and even the potential to customize your template if you like.

When customer service is good and the quality of the experience is high the partnership becomes frictionless. Constant Contact has been a boon to my writing business and has helped me keep in touch with fans and expand my services.

I have never had a desire to seek the same services elsewhere and I cheerfully pay my Constant Contact bill each month. For me, working with them is as much a part of being in business as paying my taxes or blogging. I can’t imagine where I would be without their excellent tools.

If you are a writing professional and you need to keep in regular contact with any group of people or, even better, with multiple groups of people, I highly recommend Constant Contact.

Creating and keeping up with your e-mail lists is a crucial part of career ownership. Historically writers have had trouble remembering that we are responsible for our own success over time. Once you start using Constant Contact, you will never again forget who is responsible for your writing career. It’s the person sitting behind the Constant Contact control panel. It’s you.

If you would like a free trial, you can click on the badge below and you will get 60 days worth of free service and I will get a $30 credit. I don’t usually crow about the day-to-day services I use, but it recently came to my attention that writers, who are growing a career, need to hear how important it is to keep in touch with your readers and nurture your relationships with various groups. Constant Contact makes this process a whole lot easier and more enjoyable for writers.

Try Constant Contact FREE for 60 days!

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