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Creative Every Day: Crack Open Your Wallet

I have been visible and active online since January 2007, and days like today are always really tough. But what’s difficult for me today is nothing compared to what the people of Japan are facing.

Japan has been devastated by an earthquake and then a tsunami…and who knows what’s going to happen next.

On days like today, I always realize that I have two choices. I could sit here and watch all the videos and get overloaded, traumatized, and feel powerless by the sheer volume of this human tragedy.

Or I can take a small yet constructive action and try and motivate others to do the same.

Now let me be clear: I’m not a saint and I am not rich. But anyone who can afford to buy Starbucks coffee and shop at Trader Joe’s (like me) can afford to crack open her wallet and give a little and ask others to do the same in the face of such massive human suffering.

So I cracked open my wallet and I went to Save The Children and I gave and now I’m asking you to do the same. Or please find another reputable, secure relief agency and give to them (tip: always link to relief agencies through known media outlets like CNN, so you can be assured that you are not going to get ripped off).

So, here’s the page on CNN with the link to Save the Children. Please give. I’m sure they will list more reputable organizations activating their forces on Japan’s behalf as the day goes on.

~Photo by chengphoto

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  • Stacy S. Jensen March 13, 2011, 11:49 pm

    Thanks for the suggestion. I had to laugh about Trader Joe’s though … I have always found them to be more affordable than other grocery chains. (I don’t live near one, but stop in when driving by… )

    I’m donating through the http://www.writersfortheredcross.org site. They will also kick in a free book for those donating $25 or more.

    Enjoy your blog.