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Creative Every Day: Let the Right Lead

Let your right brain lead and you will be a much happier creative person.

If you let the left brain lead, you will have to march in a straight line. And creativity doesn’t like to march in a straight line.

But if you let your right brain lead, you can use your left-brain habits to get your right-brain’s visions carried out.

And then both sides of your brain will be happy.

The right will be happy because the left respects her ideas.

And the left will be happy because the right has better ideas anyway.

Try it. Dedicate all your compulsions for perfection and order to a creative project you think is worth your time.

And voila. Both sides will work together in perfect harmony to manifest that goal.

But don’t make the project some monstrously huge vision or the left brain will crumble under the weight of its own to-dos.

Anyone experienced this?

~ photo by Liz Henry

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  • Heidi Smith Luedtke February 23, 2011, 12:34 pm

    “Dedicate all your compulsions for perfection and order to a creative project you think is worth your time.”

    Love this exhortation! For me, finding a topic creatively — that is, through divergent, relational thinking — is the key to having fun with what I write. If I think of a metaphor or make connections between (seemingly) unrelated ideas, maybe even from different fields, I find my creative brain just carries me into a state of FLOW. FLOW states are mental states that concentrate all your energy, absorb your attention completely, and produce peak experiences of happiness. In short, you get out of your head and into an expansive state. Read more about FLOW in this classic book: http://www.amazon.com/Flow-Psychology-Experience-Mihaly-Csikszentmihalyi/dp/0060920432

    My left-brain analytical, “judge and edit while I write,” organize, criticize, and “perfect-is-perfect” approach thinking is SO automatic that it comes through no matter what! Turning on the creative side is the only thing that makes writing fun.