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Creative Every Day: Recover Between Efforts

Recovery is an important part of any long, intense creative process.

It’s not merely physical rest that we need; it’s an opportunity to reset our nervous systems, cleanse our minds, and come back to the present without so much pressure to perform.

Recovery time restocks the creative well. Too much pushing or long-term effort definitely diminishes energy and increases stress. And too much stress of any kind is really not healthy in the long term.

Like this kitty, I’m looking forward to a little recovery time. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t relish the immersion that comes from a period of sustained work on a big project. I suppose the same way a marathon runner loves the “high” of the long-distance run, I love the ecstatic feeling of being totally immersed in a writing project I love when the pieces become visible and the larger shape starts to coalesce.

Sometimes, however, the transition back to the “real world” leaves me with an aching body, a fried brain, and frazzled nerves. The care and keeping of the long-distance writer definitely seems like a topic worthy of a longer discussion.

I’ve written about it somewhat, in my e-book, Author Mama, (link) but it’s likely coming up again because I’ve been working so hard on my third book.

And speaking of my next book, it’s time for me to rest up and get ready to announce it…right after this post! Hope you like it. What are you working on, anything long?

~ Photo by DonnaGrayson

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