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Creative Every Day: Seek Solid Ground

Sometimes creative folks get shaky. Maybe we get sideswiped by a job loss or a divorce or another kind of major disappointment. Any of these can happen to the best of us. Nobody is immune from the rock and roll of good times and bad times. And we’ll all get our share.

Some people have to lose everything to find out what they really have. Charlie Sheen comes to mind. I have a lot of compassion for him. I don’t think anyone wants to be as self-destructive as he is right now.

When we feel shaky, that’s when we need to draw our energy inwards and find that place of deep security, which is much more powerful than what is out-picturing in our lives.

The world is the result of what we planted moons ago. Tomorrows can turn out differently. Robert Downey Jr. comes to mind. I realize he wasn’t quite as dramatic of a mess, but look at how his todays are turning out now. Pretty different from what Charlie Sheen is experiencing, and yet at one time he was in a pretty dark place, too.

The difference between the creator and the destroyer is solid ground. Robert Downey Jr. seems to be on solid ground these days. And when you are on solid ground, you can create. You can partner. You can delight others instead of stepping on everyone’s toes. Instead of spewing poison, you can be helpful, useful, you can shine.

So Charlie Sheen is taking a nosedive in front of the whole world. It happens. People take advantage of the media circus opportunity. But I’m not going to pay much attention to that. I’m going to hold out for the recovery.

Everybody likes a good comeback story. I am holding the intention that Charlie Sheen  becomes one of those stories down the road. Here’s hoping.

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  • Adventuresofaustin March 4, 2011, 12:11 am

    What a fantastic blog post. Yes. Some people have to lose everything (maybe their soul) to reach deep within their core to discover who they truly are.