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Day 14, 2012 Writer Mama Every-Day-In-May Book Giveaway Winner!

And the winner of Once Upon A Toad by Heather Vogel Frederick is…

Suzanne Holyde

She was chosen by Random Number Generator.

Suzanne’s response was:

Oh, how much easier it is to comment on someone else’s qualities. However, I do appreciate that I am a diligent worker. I don’t shy away from something just because I don’t like it. I see things through to the end. Also, I am always learning. I am not afraid to admit that I still have much to improve on and I enjoy the adventure of becoming better. I think this is one reason I love reading so much!

Congratulations, Suzanne (again)!

If you missed the drawing for Once Upon A Toad by Heather Vogel Frederick, you can read all about it here.

Important, winners: I need you to send me an e-mail with your mailing address so that I can send it on to the author and she can send you your signed book! Please include a phone number, as well.

Please send your address in an e-mail to “christina at christina katz dot com.”

Please put “Book Winner” in the subject line.

And thank you for supporting the giveaway and my work!

Thanks for participating. This is just day fourteen of The Writer Mama Every Day In May Book Giveaway. We have 17 more days and winners to go! I hope you will spread the word. :)

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