One thing I have discovered over the past few years, as a newbie flower gardener, is how incredibly easy it is to grow flowers.
We live in a culture that promotes the idea that growing flowers is hard. This idea is incorrect. Growing flowers is easy, not hard.
What’s hard–and also sad–is how disconnected many of us are from earth. The idea that flower growing is hard keeps us disconnected from the very ground we are standing on.
I often hear folks say, “I don’t have a green thumb.”
The thing is, you don’t need a green thumb; you have green feet. Anyone who is living on the earth has green feet by virtue of being here.

How connected or disconnected you feel does not really matter. Begin where you are. If you already feel connected to the earth, great. If you do not, start by taking little walks outdoors and looking around. There is beauty all around us.
Imagine your yard full of flowers throughout the growing season. If you don’t have a yard, imagine a window box full of flowers or even a vertical wall garden overflowing with flowers. You do not need a lot of space to grow flowers.
Appreciate whatever flowers you already have. If you don’t have any, appreciate flowers other people have. Visit flower gardens and garden stores. Chances are flowers are not far from where you live.
You can express yourself joyfully and colorfully with flowers. Start today. Decide that you deserve more flowers in your life because you do. We all do.
Having a yard full of flowers has changed my life. Flowers have soothed me during chaotic times. They have healed me in ways I did not know I needed support. By connecting with flowers, I feel more in tune with earth. I feel grounded in a way that had previously escaped me.
Do not let anyone make you feel that connecting with nature is secondary or less important than connecting with human beings. Without nature, there are no human beings. When we do not honor nature, we destroy our home. We are learning this lesson right now.
Some people are more introverted than others. This has been well-documented but the idea is perhaps still too often ignored. If you are introverted, consider spending more time in nature. Nature is here for you in a way people may not know how to be. You don’t have to go climb a mountain. Just open the door and go outside.
You can become a change agent on earth by starting to pay more attention to nature. Flowers are for everyone. But they are especially for those who yearn to feel the earth under their feet. If you need help coming down to earth for whatever reason, grow flowers. Nurturing flowers is easy and feels great from start to finish.
Growing flowers does not have to be a business venture. Growing flowers can be something you do for yourself first. Go ahead and grow flowers as a hobby. If you decide to share flowers later, that’s perfectly fine, but it is not required.
Growing flowers is an adventure. Planting seeds or bulbs is the beginning of a new chapter. We deserve to feel great and we deserve flowers–lots and lots of flowers.
Flowers can help you slow down, be in the moment and feel amazing. Stick around if you’d like to learn more about how easy it is to bring an abundance of flowers into your life.
Until next time…I hope you will stop and notice the flowers.