Great news about my writing challenges, everyone!
The technology has become available to let me offer multiple challenges at the same time without completely losing my mind.
This was too much for me in the spring when I was creating, launching, and juggling so many writing and platform challenges at once that the day-to-day work became unmanageable.
It was so challenging that I had to take a break from offering some of my challenges this fall.
But over the summer, technological advances took place that now allow me to re-introduce as many challenges as you want me to offer.
Hooray! Because folks have already been asking me about new levels of freelance challenges to build on the three I already offer.
I can forward on new challenges once I have properly set up all of my past challenges, which include three freelance challenges and five 21 Moments challenges.
I’ve got all three freelance challenges already set up and going, and now I just need to tackle setting up 21 Moments.
My current thinking is to offer my three platform challenges elsewhere. Stay tuned for an announcement with this news, coming soon.
In the meantime, hip-hip-hooray for the return of 21 Moments!
Effective today, registration is now open for all of the challenges listed below, which will start landing in your inbox on October 1st!
Receive 21 excellent examples of great writing in your inbox daily for 21 days. Click on the badge to learn more and register:
Receive 21 more excellent examples of great writing in your inbox daily for 21 days:
Receive 21 more excellent examples of great writing in your inbox daily for 21 days:
Anyone who is looking to become a more facile and joyful parenting article writer should take my Article Writing Challenge.

Anyone who is looking to become a more thoughtful and skillful parenting essay writer should take my Essay Writing Challenge.

Anyone who is looking to become a more thoughtful rewriter and polisher of her own words should take my Grammar & Punctuation Challenge.

I am so excited to be going in the right direction again. Thank you, technology, for continuing to grow and evolve!
I should be able to offer levels four & five of 21 Moments for November.
Then I can focus on adding brand new challenges/levels in the New Year.
If you are hoping for more levels of my freelance challenges, please spread the word about the challenges I already have.
Steady registrations this fall help insure more levels will be launched this winter.
Thanks for your support! I look forward to working with you on more writing, rewriting, and platform challenges!