Learn The Skills You Need To Get Paid To Write From Home And Enjoy The Process Of Creating High Quality Articles
Have you checked out my online school? Every once in a while I like to remind readers to pop on over and explore the variety of courses I’ve created.
This course covers how to write six popular and saleable nonfiction article forms, as well as how to warm up to write your best articles and how to polish the articles you draft. You will learn how to get into print sooner, rather than later, without pulling all-nighters or paying a fortune in babysitter fees. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a working dad, or just a busy person, you will learn how to create short, easy-to-write freelance articles—a skill that will make it easier to work your way up to longer, more time-consuming freelance articles (like features, profiles, and even a book) when you are ready.
Here is a breakdown of the course. Why not dive in and start learning?
Have fun and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
What are the course requirements?
- No advance writing experience is needed
- All that is needed is a willingness to dive in and build skills
- Tackle fun writing assignments that help you apply course lessons
- Be prepared to learn things about yourself that you didn’t know before!
- Writing short nonfiction articles is creative, fun, and personally satisfying
What am I going to get from this course?
- 14 lectures and over 44 minutes of video content!
- Compose quality tips, list articles, how-tos, and fillers
- Turn personal stories into essays and articles
- Learn professional strategies that will save you time and energy without compromising quality
- Practice skills that will have you writing like a pro
- Write well enough to compete and get published
- Profit by turning your ideas and past content into saleable short articles
Who is the audience for this course?
- Anyone who wants to learn and improve short article writing skills
- Experienced writers who want to refresh their short article writing techniques
- Veteran writers who want to fall in love with short forms all over again
- Anyone who wants to vary the way they write nonfiction articles
- Writers who enjoy learning writing forms and applying them in their work

Read the Frequently Asked Questions Page At Creative Confidence Courses With Christina Katz
I am a veteran journalist, author and coach with over a decade and a half of experience and a wealth of techniques to share. I am focused on making the world a saner, more expressive place. I help folks become more creative for personal enjoyment, professional development and transformational growth. Whether you are a professional creative or hope to become one some day, I can help you embrace your personal strengths, explore your creative possibilities, and evolve incrementally into your most inspiring self. If you are ready to achieve creative consistency in your life and career, email me about monthly coaching calls. To learn more about increasing your creative confidence, please check out my online school. Stay tuned for ways to save money by becoming a Beta User for my next new course by subscribing to The Prosperous Creative. And don’t forget to get these blog posts delivered to your inbox, so you never miss a post. If you appreciate my work—school, products, blog and social media posts—you are welcome to make a contribution of any size at any time. Thank you for your support!
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