Three cheers for hunker down and write time. Set some goals to be more happy and productive than you’ve ever been! Now begins a great time of year to write your heart out.
Sweater weather, yay! Wrap yourself up and go for a walk on a brisk day so your creative mind can get into the flow. Observe the fall beauty and see what comes up for you. (Check out handmade sweaters on Etsy–they are just fun to look at.)
Happy homecoming! Whether you are a big football fan or not, I wrote an inspirational take on the fall ritual of homecoming in my latest ezine (which has recently undergone a name change). See what you think!
Bring the outdoors in with a little nature meditation. What do you have on hand? Grapes, gourds, apples, acorns? Whatever you can harvest from the yard or markets, bring it in, and make a little display out of it. Check out autumn display ideas on Pinterest for inspiration.
Get a head start on that next book. Start thinking about your NaNoWriMo topic now, if you are planning to participate. I am thinking about it. Excited to consider the possibilities.
Autumn scents are awesome. I heard about some cool candles from Makers Of Wax Goods that have crackling wicks that I want to try. But if you know of any other awesome fall candles, please add your suggestions to the comments. (With wicks only, please, no wax melters.)
Dig into some daily rituals. Morning pages? Afternoon tea time? Daily exercise? Planting bulbs for spring? Play time with the pets? Which rituals help you feel grounded and happy? Whatever the answer is, those are the right things to do.
Want to earn more? This seems to be on every writer’s mind lately. That’s why I created my online video course on The Art Of Selling Articles Like A Seasoned Pro. This is the show-me-the-money-course for journalists.
Get ready for winter. Throw yourself into some of those fall chores that just have to get done before the cold weather hits. I know they don’t sound like fun, but sometimes focusing on an methodical external task can do wonders for your creativity. Now that I can spin like Julie Andrews in the Sound Of Music in the wood shed, I am here to tell you that it just feels good, too.
Activate your creativity. Take a look at creativity books from my bookshelf that I highly recommend. I took some time to round them up for you.
Think autumn. I’m featuring autumn-themed posters in my Etsy shop right now. Check them out, if you like digital download wall art.
Do something new daily. I’m doing a #daily #decor post on Instagram and I’m enjoying the routine, as well as the opportunity to take a closer look at my surroundings (which I so often ignore when I am absorbed in my writing).
Celebrate fall and then write about it. So many of my articles have been inspired by personal experience. Either something happens and then I later write about it or I plan an activity and write about it. Check out my autumn idea prompt book for your own stories and articles.
More ideas! I wrote a post on Autumn indulgences for writers a few years back. Click here for more inspiration.
Spruce Up That Platform. Last but not least, fall is a great time to consolidate your online platform and then update it any ways that might be needed. I’ve written about this and I teach three video courses that will help you clarify and communicate all that you offer.
Christina Katz, a veteran writer, author and coach with over a decade and a half of experience and a wealth of techniques to share, is focused on making the world a saner, more expressive place. She helps folks become more creative for personal enjoyment, professional development and transformational growth. Whether you are a professional creative or hope to become one some day, Christina can help you embrace your personal strengths, explore your creative possibilities, and evolve incrementally into your most inspiring self. If you are ready to achieve creative consistency in your life and career, email her about monthly coaching calls. To learn more about increasing your creative confidence, please check out Christina’s online school and stay tuned for ways to become a Beta User for her next new course. Subscribe to The Prosperous Creative for the latest news and discounts and get these blog posts delivered to your inbox so you never miss a post.