This discussion is scheduled for all day on Wednesday, March 15th right here in this blog. Read the book, and join us!

I am reading Quiet, The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking [LINK], and every time I share about this on social media, folks seem interested and ask me what I think of the book.
So, I thought I would tell everyone what I think.
I think it’s great. And I highly recommend it for introverts like me.
Unless people know me pretty well, they don’t realize I’m an introvert.
I like people, I like public speaking (now I do), I like socializing (occasionally), but I am happiest, most productive, and most creative when I am alone.
I mean totally alone. Like with no one in the house with me except pets.
And I mean alone for long stretches of time, without interruptions, and concentrating deeply on my work.
I have realized over the years, if spending time happily alone was a competitive sport, I could definitely be a contender. I have far more stamina for it than most people I know.
And this book by Susan Cain, explains in well-researched detail, why I am the way I am. She also explains why I have struggled in the past by trying to mold myself into the dominant extrovert paradigm of our society.
I know plenty of extroverts. My husband is an extrovert. My daughter is about a 50/50 extrovert/introvert. And I am a hard-core introvert.
This book also explains why I like the Internet so much. As a tool, the Internet really helps me interact with others in ways that do not drain my energy.
So if you have ever wondered if you are in introvert or how much of an introvert you might be, you will find a lot of answers in this book.
I also like that the book talks about the POWER of introverts. Introverts can do a lot of good in the world, and this book describes how. Don’t think for a second that this is a book about how inferior you are if you are an introvert. That’s the common misperception that this book turns on its head.
This is not a formal book club, but when I am done with the book, we can have a discussion about the book here in my blog. I used to do an online book club and folks were crazy about the idea, but it wasn’t a profitable use of my time, and I am a creative professional, so I had to quit doing it.
I have a bit more time now, and basically I am just sharing a tool that is helpful to me, so if you think you might be an introvert and this book might benefit you, too, then why don’t we read it together?
Good things are better when shared. So join me, if you feel like it. There is no hard deadline, because blog posts are forever. But let’s aim to finish the book by the end of February.
And if you have already read the book, let us know if you liked it, but don’t give away too much, okay?
Onward! Into the quiet…
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