Today, I received an email from Dan Rather’s media company, which is called Steady.
I like that name because we sure can all use more steadiness in our lives during these tumultuous times.
Every Wednesday, he holds a discussion. Today the question was: Amidst so much pain, where do you find hope?
Here’s how I answered:
I go outside every day because nature was intended to be the center of my world and the world is such a happier place when nature is in her appropriate place. If I turn online to the steady parade of doom and gloom, then I become part of the doom and gloom — I reflect that back, I affirm it.
But when I go outside, I see another story–a story that is not affirmed by the powers that be. I immediately experience grounding, support, love and joy. Like so many things, nature and our direct experience of it has been hijacked from us. But we can take our power back by simply turning off the machines, like this one I am typing on, and going…blissfully…outdoors.
Call it escapism, call it self-indulgence, call it what you will, nature still represents the world we were supposed to inherit. This other, shadow world of pain and destruction was not created by nature. And so, I turn to nature for succor. I turn to nature for hope. I turn to nature to sustain me and my joy.
My joy is powerful. It is defiant. Joy is my rebellion. Thanks for the chance to share.
You can learn more about Dan Rather’s Steady here.