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No, not the blog! I just got here and I’m staying.

I mean, moving-moving, like, you know,  in real life. 🙂

So, if things are a little quiet around here for a couple weeks, I apologize in advance.

There’s more really good stuff to come like how pro-bloggers have become the evil empire and are threatening to take over the known world…just kidding!

No, seriously, there were already a lot of interesting comments to my posts from last week and I welcome more while I’m packing and unpacking. I will be sure to respond first-thing when I am settled.

I’m looking forward to it! In the meantime, cheerio, and be back soon…

~From Vidiot

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  • Morgan Ives February 9, 2010, 6:27 pm

    My timing is impeccable. When you finish moving, I'd love to talk to you about possibly judging a contest.

    I've started a blog on tech tips for writers, and right now we're in the middle of a series on the nitty-gritty geek details of creating an author platform. I'd like to hold a platform contest at the end of the series. The prize would an evaluation of the platform's strengths and potential growth areas, given by an expert in the platform field (you, I hope!).

    If you are interested, please contact me. There's no rush. This series will take a couple months, so whenever you get time would be great. Thanks!