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My New Year’s Resolutions For Writers & My One Word for 2013: NOW

My New Year’s Resolutions are win-win-win, meaning they benefit me, you, and the world. This year, I will do nothing unless it meets these criteria.

1. I will take exceptionally good care of myself. It’s hard to do this and write and promote traditionally published books. So this year, since I’m not traveling, I will take exceptionally good care of myself, so that I can write more traditionally published books in the future. My global fitness accountability group, Writers on the Move, will be a big part of this effort. It’s awesome to have a motivated group of writers to be accountable to so we can encourage each other to eat healthy and stay fit. Look for me to have an increased commitment to eating healthy this year to accompany my regular workouts. I commit to drinking more water, eating more whole grains, eating less meat, eating more fruits and veggies, and eating fish twice or more each week. And that’s just to get started.

2. I will take exceptionally good care of my family. If it’s hard to take exceptionally good care of yourself and write and promote traditionally published books, then it’s even harder to do these things and take exceptionally good care of your family. I think I’ve done a pretty good job, and I’ve also had a great partner in my husband, Jason. This year, without a book deadline or a book tour, I can devote more time and energy to my family. When I was working on my books, Jason and Samantha supported me. Now it’s payback time. All good things must come into balance. I owe them, big time. I’ve been making up for it in extra hugs all along, but I am excited to have more time available to support them, for a change.

3. I will stay home and inspire more writers than I ever have before. I wrote and toured three traditionally published books in seven years, so, I’m curious to find out if I can reach as many, if not more writers, by staying home using the technology I know and love. I feel I am off to a great start with my 21 Moments Monthly Writing Challenge. Because of this initiative, I’m already working with more writers than I ever have before and it’s only the third day of the year. This feels good because when I work directly with writers, I can make a positive difference in their writing lives. And PS, I’m doing the writing challenge myself, and so is Jason, so it definitely feels win-win-win.

4. I will continue to offer my classes and dream teams to mom writers who are interested in establishing and growing professional writing careers. In combination, my classes and dream teams create the most powerful learning experience a relatively small amount of money can buy. Of course, I realize that these classes and training groups are an investment. I also realize that they require a consistent amount of effort from the students who participate. But if you could see the progress and professional strides that I see in writers in just a short, consistent amount of time, you would sign up right now. Why not take a look at my classes, for now, since Dream Teams for the next five months are already in session. I have worked hard to create and update these classes and training groups, and they rock. And so do the writers who take them seriously. Here’s to our continued success!

5. I will do more good in the world. I was inspired by the election in two ways. On the one hand, my respect for politicians who strive to do more good in the world deepened. And on the other hand, I realized that there is a lot more good I can do in the world without becoming a politician. So I am renewing my commitment to making the world a better, more creative, more joyful and prosperous place. And I am focusing my energy on the people right here in my community, who are suffering. I will start close to home and contribute money, time and energy to alleviate human suffering right here in Clackamas County, Oregon. I would love it if you would join me by committing to alleviating suffering around you, wherever you live. Many people are struggling with the basics right now, and those of us who are prospering should not turn a blind eye to them. I’m not rich. And I know most of us aren’t. But we need to remember that the government is not going to fix local problems. People helping people is what solves problems. Look for more reminders from me throughout the year to look for ways to give back locally in whatever ways you can.

6. I will ignore people who treat me badly and/or display a lack of integrity. When you stand up for yourself, it’s inevitable that you are going to catch some flack, especially if you are a woman. But life is way too short, I work way too hard, and I give way too much to tolerate this type of baloney. I don’t have time or energy for mean or disreputable people. Wasting energy on negative people or situations hurts my creativity, which in turn disrupts my ability to serve my family and the world. So, see you later, negative nellies! I wish you the best of luck turning those frowns upside down.

7. I will promote the idea that women are the future leaders of a caring world. I am tired of waiting for male leaders to stop being so greedy and lecherous and uncaring. Seriously. What is the point in pretending that the majority of men in leadership are going to come around some day and start behaving more decently? Sure, some do. Some will. Some might. And I admire those men who are good and do good. But there are not enough of them and there are certainly not enough women in leadership being given the chance to contribute. So enough already. Let’s get more women in leadership. Let’s empower women everywhere to help transform the world into a place where equality has a fighting chance. We are so not there yet. And we won’t get there until every woman steps up and starts asking: what do I have to offer, not just my family, but also the world around me? We won’t have equality until every woman starts expecting and demanding equal treatment everywhere, whether that is in the home or in the government.

Take care of yourself, take care of your family, and then give from your natural abundance to the world. The world needs you now. We can start by alleviating the suffering that is all around us, as I already said, but we can finish by collectively ignoring men who abuse power and give the attention we would have given them to women who are stepping up, contributing, and caring. Go, women!

8. I will find new ways to serve every day and act on them swiftly. My word for 2013 is “now.” This means no more procrastinating. No more dragging my feet. If I see a need and I can fill it, I’m doing it. And I’m doing it now. I have paid my dues. I have earned my stripes. I have given back some, but I have an awful lot more to give. I have been given opportunities, I have risen to the challenge. And in 2013, I’m staying home and getting some serious work done.

2013 is here. I’m ready for it. I’m psyched. I’m warmed up. How about you?

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you will give the world the BEST you have to offer in 2013.

Start small. Act locally. Do whatever you can to make a difference.

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  • Rebecca Einstein Schorr January 3, 2013, 5:16 pm

    An inspiring list. You are going to have an amazing year!

  • Suzi Banks Baum January 4, 2013, 6:10 am

    I love this today Christina. I really enjoy your posts. Yesterday I submitted a manuscript for an anthology I am indie publishing to the graphic designer who will get it ready for printing. Your words “Take care of yourself, take care of your family, and then give from your
    natural abundance to the world. The world needs you now.” embrace the mission of my project and I am happy to feel affirmed here today. Thank you! Suzi

  • Carrie Cook Minns January 4, 2013, 1:11 pm

    Fantastic, Christina!!! Incredibly inspiring. And I’m with you on #7. 😉

  • Fiona Phillips January 7, 2013, 2:39 am

    Great set of resolutions. Mine for 2013 include improving my and my family’s health, finishing my novel to the stage where I can send it off to publishers/agents, writing more plays and generally having more fun with my loved ones. Thanks for sharing.

  • christinakatz January 10, 2013, 1:43 pm

    Thanks, Suzi! 🙂

  • christinakatz January 10, 2013, 1:44 pm

    Thanks, babe. I already am!