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On Sale Now: Write For Regional Parenting Publications For Fun & Profit

The PDF version of Write For Regional Parenting Publications For Fun & Profit is now available for immediate download.

Here’s some of the early response to the e-book:

I want to write for magazines, but it has seemed so intimidating. I was just about to give up on the idea when I got this e-book. Writing for RPPs suddenly seems accessible and doable. Thank you! ~ Christen H.

After successfully writing for regional parenting magazines for several years, I still found plenty to learn from Christina Katz’s e-book. She has included everything a beginning writer would need to know to grow a professional writing career that serves the RPPs. ~ Lara K.

Write for Regional Parenting Publications for Fun & Profit is a straightforward, no-nonsense guide to what it really takes to get published in regional parenting publications. ~ Alyssa C.

This book is exactly what I’ve been looking for in my efforts to launch a freelance writing career. The format is straightforward and easy to follow for the beginning freelancer and is filled with specific details that often get overlooked in how-to books for writers. ~ Yvonne S.

With idea-generating pages and valuable tips from the trenches, this guide will inspire and educate you as you go after your professional writing goals. – Christa H.

This is an excellent get-started guide for mom writers who would like to make a little extra money or to start a freelance writing business. In contrast to Writer Mama, this book is focused on RPPs, which is a great place to get started earning clips. ~ Tiffany D.

Once again Christina Katz has nailed the needs of the beginner writer in a concise, encouraging manner. Even if you are already writing for RPPs this resource can be a refreshing reminder of how to serve that market successfully. ~ Sue L.

After reading this e-book,  you will know exactly how to find topics and where and how to submit them. This book is a must for a beginning writer or even an experienced writer needing fresh inspiration and knowledge. ~ Ruth Ann A.

Christina Katz’s enthusiasm and encouragement are contagious. Her book will entice you to get started right away! ~ Kathleen M.

Even if you think you know all you need to about writing, pitching and setting up a freelance business, you should read this book. In addition to offering advice and ideas, the tone is refreshing and rejuvenating, and will help writers jumpstart their careers. ~ Beth F.

Christina Katz’s Write for Regional Parenting Publications for Fun and Profit was exactly what I needed when I was ready to expand my writing career. She tells you what to do and how to do it—the rest is up to you. There’s no excuses now! ~ Jane E.

Learn more about Write For Regional Parenting Publications For Fun & Profit.

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