If you are looking to start the process of an Essential Flow Reading With Christina Katz, you are in the right place!
An Essential Flow Reading combines Astrological, Human Design and Sabian Symbol techniques to create a deep-dive into how your energy flows in your life. If you feel stuck, frustrated, burned out or even if you are just curious to learn more about yourself and your energy, you will get so much from an Essential Flow Reading. Mostly you will feel seen, understood and validated for simply being who you are.
Your reading is a 5-7 page document that you can review over and over again. It breaks down key points about how your energy flows and then synthesizes all the information together into a detailed summary.
Here are the registration steps:
- Pay for your reading using one of the methods below. Amount is currently $149 for one person or $229 for two people for a limited time.
- Using the contact form below, send me an email with your first and last name, birth date, birth time (must be exact), and birth location (town/state/country).
- I need several business days to complete your reading, which I do personally by hand. I will get back to you with an approximate date when you will receive your reading via email.
Payment methods:
Thank you so much. This has been helpful and insightful. I love it. I think this type of reading will really serve people to understand their place in the world and the natural rhythms of their own lives. I’m going to be rereading this numerous times. It’s so nice how it validates my experiences in life and tells me, the way I am is okay — it’s part of my own design. ~ E.M.

Photo by Jack Anstey on Unsplash