My brand new course, Create Your Dream Writing Career With Christina Katz has launched!
Reset your writing career success today with inspiring tips and worksheets from Christina Katz!
Do you ever wish for the support of a knowledgeable writer-friend cheering you on in your career? Sometimes a writer just needs more encouragement to set and reach goals that really matter. This course represents the best goal-setting advice gleaned from pep talks Christina gave over an 18-month period. Find out how you can become your biggest cheerleader simply by changing the way you think about setting and reaching career goals. Writing success isn’t about seeking external approval; it’s about approving of yourself. And then you can make healthy, wealthy, and wise choices that nurture your creativity. As soon as you make the shift from being externally focused to being internally focused, the magic starts to happen. So what are you waiting for? This is your year to build the writing career you’ve always wanted.