If you are a writer, you need goals and not just any goals.
You need your own goals.
But first you need to know what your goals are.
And many writers do not know what their goals are.
They know they want goals, and they see other writers with goals, and often other writer’s goals become their goals by default.
As I recall, nothing much happened in my career until I started setting and accomplishing goals.
Then progress started happening as if by magic.
Only it wasn’t magic. It was me striving towards my goals.
Goals are funny things. They take you places.
I have no doubt that if you set one goal or two or three, they will lead you to three new goals in no time.
And that’s great. That’s as it should be.
Trying to get a writer to set her own goals is challenging. I should know. I have been doing it for years.
I think writers are afraid if they choose a goal, it will become a dead-end instead of a springboard.
But the opposite is true. Every goal is a springboard that will launch you somewhere new and exciting.
And you can thank the old goal for helping you cultivate the momentum that gets you engaged in the new goal.
There is one thing I know for sure about writers and goals.
And I have learned it by working with writers on their goals for over five years.
Letting others set goals for you, will get you stuck.
And setting your own goals and accomplishing them will set you free.
The key is the goals must belong to you. There are people who can help you get to your goals once you set them, like me.
But if you want others to set your goals for you, then you might not be using your power of choice. And if you want to be a successful writer, you have to activate your personal power.
I know how to teach writers skills. I’ve been doing it for years and I love doing it because it empowers writers to reach their goals.
So if I can teach you skills that help you achieve your goals, then great. Let’s work together.
But every writer needs to have her own distinct set of reachable, actionable goals.
I don’t want to set your goals. I want you to do that. And I want you to be excited about your goals.
I want the goals you choose to bring you and others joy.
And if they don’t, then dig deeper and find goals that mean more to you.
Because the opposite of a pro-active, goal-oriented writer is a stuck, frustrated writer.
And if you are stuck or frustrated, I have only one question for you.
Do you have goals?
And then here’s another question.
Are they your goals?
And finally…
Are you working joyfully towards them?
~ Photo by Naphtali Marshall
Christina Katz is a writing coach and platform expert with over 15 years of professional experience, two degrees, and a huge body of quality work. She earns thousands of dollars a year writing on topics she loves and coaches her clients to do the same by setting goals, building skills, and creating distinctive work. Her mission is to empower writers worldwide.
If you would like to join her ongoing goal-setting group of joyfully productive writers, learn more and register here.
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Hi – can’t wait for the course – will you have discounts for ezine subscriers?
Always! New course should be launched by tonight or tomorrow morning. I’ve been working hard! 🙂 Thanks, Mary Ellen!