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Writer Mama Every-Day-In-May Book Giveaway: Day Thirteen Book By Lara Krupicka

We are giving away three copies of Family Bucket Lists today!

The first time Lara Krupicka mentioned the idea of family bucket lists, I was charmed by the idea. But Lara showed me how family bucket lists are more than just a fun idea. She demonstrated and continues to demonstrate how working on family bucket lists is a powerful tools for empowering families.

When is the last time that you found one fairly simple technique that could improve the quality of life for your entire clan? It may sound like a tall order, but Lara can show you how to integrate family bucket list living into the life you are already living, and your whole family will be the richer for it.

Introducing Lara Krupicka

Lara Krupicka is a one of those people who, as a child, dreamed of being a writer when she grew up. Fast-forward several decades through business school, a short marketing career, and the birth of three kids and finally she is living her dream job as a journalist and speaker. She wrote Family Bucket Lists to encourage others to seize everyday opportunities to life out their life dreams. Lara’s writing has been published in over 75 publications across the United States and Canada and online on nationally known sites such as mops.org and kyria.com. She and her husband, Mike, live with their three daughters in the suburbs of Chicago.

Learn about Family Bucket Lists, Bring More Fun, Adventure and Camaraderie Into Every Day May 2013

Do you have a list of “someday” things – a list of what you’d like to do or see, famous people you’d like to meet, roles you’d like to fill? A bucket list of goals for your lifetime?

What if you combined that “someday” list with today’s list of things “to do”? If you’re thinking it sounds too expensive or would take too much time, think again. When you allow your bucket list to converge with everyday life, you’ll find a whole host of benefits unfold in your life. And when you bring your family along… well, let’s just say your life will never be the same.

Family Bucket Lists gives families a chance to:
•    dream together of what they want to do before the children are grown
•    set off on adventures, big and small, together and individually
•    enliven weekends and vacations with plans that match what they want most from life
•    discover new things about one another as each person unearths and shares their dreams and aspiration
•    find simple ways to incorporate life goals into everyday living
•    make the most of the years they have together

Why not invite more adventure into your family’s life? Purchase your copy of Family Bucket Lists for immediate download – available starting May 13th (and with your purchase you’ll receive a free printable download of family bucket list brainstorming questions).

I asked Lara three questions about our giveaway’s theme topic, self-expression:

1. Is self-expression an important part of your life today, why or why not?

Self-expression is definitely an important part of my life. I see self-expression, particularly through telling stories, as a way of connecting to other people. I began telling stories when I was a child during long walks alone, to and from school. I thought at the time that writing meant only short stories or novels. But I’ve come to see that being a storyteller isn’t limited to those types of self-expression. No matter what I write, I’m telling a story and I’m inviting the reader to find themselves in the story – whether it’s a lesson I’ve learned from life expressed through an essay, or guidance on how to live a better story through an article of tips and advice. Self-expression through writing is a life dream and now that I’m living it every day, I can’t imagine life any other way.

2. What does self-expression mean to you and how do you do it in the world?

In my work, self-expression means writing and speaking. I like that activities I do for myself – reading, synthesizing, and processing the meaning of events in my life – can benefit other people. But those aren’t the only ways I express myself. I’m also an avid sewer and crafter and I find those wordless acts of self-expression to be a perfect complement to my work life. Naturally I gravitate toward crafting gifts for other people because I think what’s most satisfying to me about self-expression is sharing the results with others.

3. How does your self-expression impact the world—your family, your friends, your readers, and everyone else?

There is often a very practical bent to the writing I do. Readers come away with something new to try in their life or their family, or they identify with and find encouragement from what I say. It’s fun to hear from friends how they have put to use something they learned from what I’ve written. I would like to think that my self-expression as a writer is making the world of moms and families a better place. Also I’m often able to incorporate lessons from my life into my writing – so my family benefits from me being able to process on the page (hopefully without exposing them too much). Plus, I think it’s good for my girls to see their mom engaged in work that she enjoys. They get to see up close the rewards of having a career that matches your heart’s desires. And that being a mom and having a career don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

And Now, Your Turn…

You remember how this works right?

Please read the complete rules at least once!

I ask you a question.

You answer in the comments for your chance to win a book each day.

Please just respond once, even if you make a typo. ;)

Answer in the comments in 50-200 words (no less and no more to qualify to win one of today’s books).

Go ahead, dream big. Share some of your personal bucket list with us. Name five things you dream of doing some day, that you would like to make come true.

Ready, set, comment! I will hold the drawing tomorrow and post the results here in my blog.

Thanks for participating in the Writer Mama Every-Day-In-May Book Giveaway!

And thanks for spreading the word. We will be giving away great books by wonderful women authors all month.

View the complete list of authors and books.

View the giveaway Pinterest board.

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  • CK May 13, 2013, 5:32 am

    Yes I have a bucket list and I’m starting to allow myself to dream big. It’s kind of a cliche that life begins at 40. It all started with taking WPSS–yes, seriously!–which was a 40th birthday pressie to myself. Since I took that shaky first step in going for what I’ve always wanted, I’ve given myself real permission to dream and things have started to be put in motion. Since then, opportunities have come my way but it’s not necessarily the path I would’ve planned on; I’m just giving myself permission to see where it all goes. I’ve started to take university courses to finish my degree after 20 years. It’s definitely unfinished business that has been hanging over me. I’ve seen my name in print which is amazing. I’d like to do some more travelling, to face my fear of driving and finally get my license. I see all of these things has part of the big picture and I know I want to weave writing through all of it as well. I’m just so glad my husband and son are coming along for the ride. They’re a huge part of this journey too.

  • Amy Becker May 13, 2013, 7:02 am

    Always on my bucket list is another trip to Europe. I lived in Germany when I was little, but never got to see England, France, Scotland, and Ireland. Or even Spain. I also have publishing goals on my bucket list. I want to get my mystery finished and published. I would like to get published in a glossy women’s magazine. I also have bucket list goals for my children to find fulfilling careers and lives and my husband and I to be married until we’re old and gray. So, five things: visit Europe, publish mystery, publish in a women’s glossy, run a 5K, and do something that really scares me.

  • Sara May 13, 2013, 7:05 am

    Hike the John Muir Trail (my husband and I planned to do it as a delayed honeymoon, but put it off when our aged dog was struggling too much to leave for a month).
    2. Write a book. (I’m working on one now, but more importantly, I’ve made time for my writing on a regular basis on gotten over the idea that I should be doing “work” during that time.
    3. Run a marathon. (I go back and forth on this one, but I’m slowly working my way up to it.)
    4. Family trips to Yosemite, Yellowstone, and other National Parks.
    5. Get back to Italy with my friend Kate (with or without our families)

  • MLTCG May 13, 2013, 7:40 am

    Good for you Carla. I am so proud of you to do these things for yourself. They will empower you to do more. Driving gives such a sense of freedom, independence. And returning to school may seem difficult at first, but you will find that some of it is easier at your current age than it would have been when you were younger. Now you want it and that is part of the battle. Enjoy every moment . You are a great role model to others who dream of doing the same thing. Stay in touch- Your journey would be a great blog topic. Good luck, keep smiling. ML

  • dkmulder May 13, 2013, 7:52 am

    Bucket lists help you step back and dream.
    Some things from my bucket list:
    1. Take a family trip to Nashville.
    2. Take a mission trip as a family to Haiti or Guatemala.
    3. Learn to play the ukulele.
    4. Trip to Galapagos Islands.
    5. Hot air balloon ride.

    Thanks for the inspiration, Lara!

  • Sue LeBreton May 13, 2013, 8:16 am

    I love the idea of a bucket list and with my recent birthday milestone that is top of mind for me. This past winter I finally skated on Lake Louise and it was everything I had imagined. I am finally writing as I have always dreamed. Writing a book is on that bucket list, visiting Hawaii, going to Europe, a big bike event as a family and sharing the dreams that my children have . These include swimming with dolphins and Greece.

  • Suzi Banks Baum May 13, 2013, 8:22 am

    I love reading other people’s lists! I write an article called “This Mom’s Beach Bucket List” about things I love that I have done with my kids as the first one prepares to fledge.
    Here is my family bucket list for today:

    1. Stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon with my husband and kids and breath in the grandeur.
    2. Boat down the Colorado River and see the Canyon from up close and personal.
    3. Swim in water off the coast of Africa.
    4. Make a tangible difference in the lives of another family by building something together.
    5. Sleep in an ice dwelling in Finland or Norway.

    Thanks for the jumpstart here!
    Love, Suzi

  • Tiffany Doerr Guerzon May 13, 2013, 10:11 am

    My bucket list: go on a safari to Africa, volunteer in a preserve in Africa, Tour Ireland, Scotland and Wales, go to Costa Rica, take a bike trip through Napa Valley, publish a novel, publish a picture book and publish in a national glossy. Take the whole family on a medical mission to another country and help build a habitat for humanity house. Tiffany

  • Heidi Smith Luedtke May 13, 2013, 6:12 pm

    I don’t keep a list these days, but there are so many things I want to share with my children. We spend lots of time DOING instead of too much time (and money) buying, cleaning, and worrying over “things” Here are a few of my bucket list items:
    1) Go scuba diving with my children

    2) Visit Africa on safari
    3) Eat a meal my children cooked all by themselves (they both LOVE to watch the FOOD network!)
    4) Sing a song together on a stage. Somewhere. Without laughing all the way through it.
    5) Learn to play chess (my son and I are practicing with his “no-stress chess” game and it’s a lot of fun to be learning along side each other)

  • Fawn Warner Rechkemmer May 13, 2013, 6:15 pm

    I love this concept of the family bucket list. My children are 5 and 6 and are getting to the age where we can really go all over with them, try new things, and appreciate the joy of experiencing life through their eyes. On my “family bucket list” – write a book with my daughter, watch my husband and son play hockey together, live in Europe for a summer, Bike the entire Katy trail (the country’s longest rail to trail route), and visit all the national parks.

  • barbaramcdowellwhitt May 13, 2013, 6:38 pm

    A 70-Year-Old’s Bucket List:
    Secure an agent, editor and publisher using social media.
    Use Get Known Before the Book Deal to develop my platform.
    Take a trip around the world with my three books’ proceeds.
    See my 10-month-old granddaughter graduate from college.
    Have a celebration of life service before, not after, my death.

  • Diane J. May 13, 2013, 6:42 pm

    My bucket list:
    1. Sell my novel(s) through traditional publishing methods. New York Times Best Seller would be nice, but I’d be happy with a publisher that consistently buys my work.

    2. Speak up for myself – I’m proud to say, I’m actually taking baby steps toward this list item. I’ve always stuck up for friends and loved ones, but never myself so this is huge. Maybe I should add “confidence” to that as well.

    3. Explore caverns and derelict buildings with my kids.

    4. Run a half marathon (I have no desire to run 26.2 miles, but a half intrigues me).

    5. Explore an uncharted isle. My kids have talked about this and it sounds fun to me. Don’t know how we’d find one, but we’re dreaming big right?

  • Renee Roberson May 13, 2013, 6:59 pm

    What a fun question!
    1. Publish at least one book. I would love to publish traditionally, but I am finally starting to toy with the idea of self-publishing, too, or at least putting out a few e-books.
    2. Pay off all my debts. I would love to be completely debt free at least once in my lifetime.
    3. Build our dream house on at least one acre of land. It doesn’t need to be a mansion, just something we design ourselves that includes something on every family member’s wish list.
    4. Take my family to Hawai and Europe.
    5. See both of my kids graduate from college.

  • Mar Junge May 13, 2013, 7:06 pm

    Top five things on my personal bucket list are to
    (1) hire the personnel to make my PR agency self-sufficient so that I (2) have time to finish my YA novel and (3) get it published. I’d also like to (4) enlarge my conference room, a.k.a. dining room, to seat 12 comfortably and (5) tour Croatia to search out my roots.

    On my family bucket list I would like to (1) organize a family
    reunion in Pennsylvania, since my children have never met most of my relatives nor seen where I grew up, (2) take another cruise together with our extended family, (3) return to Hawaii together, (4) spend a day together sorting through the boxes and boxes of family photos and make albums for each of us, and (5) since two of my three children are writers, produce a nonfiction book together –
    maybe on our family’s Croatian/Polish/German origin.

  • Sandi Haustein May 13, 2013, 7:32 pm

    I love the idea of a family bucket list. Some of my personal bucket list items:
    1) Travel the US for one year in an RV. This is a dream of mine and my husband’s. We would love to homeschool the kids for the year and try to visit all 50 states, taking them to places that we study about instead of just reading about them.
    2) Publish an article in a national publication.
    3) Publish a nonfiction book. I’d love to write a memoir about two years I spent in Togo, West Africa, if not to publish, for my kids.
    4) Take the last couple of classes I need and certify to teach ESL.
    5) Spend a summer with my family in France. My parents were French teachers, I have my Master’s in French, and my sister teaches French at a local college. I have a lot of people that I love in France, but I haven’t been in 14 years. I’d love to take my husband and three boys back to meet all my friends and to visit the places I love.