I alternate launching creativity and writing courses and now it’s time for a new creativity course!
Beta Users, who help me create the course by answering four rounds of questions, get 50% off courses launching soon.
I am currently seeking Beta Users for my next creativity course, Expressive Outdoors, Sprinkle More You All Around Your Home.
This course will help you refocus your urge to please on charming yourself and your immediate family first. Once you all enjoy the area outside your home, visitors will follow suit! Strangers may even start stopping by to let you know how much they enjoy passing your home. I would not have believed this until it started happening to me.
If your outdoor decor does not consistently lift you up, then this course is for you! Expressive Outdoors is a companion course to Expressive At Home, which I launched in May. Expressive Outdoors focuses on expressing yourself outside your home — on your porches, on your patios, and all around the immediate outside of your home. These are areas that are often neglected outright or simply decorated in a similar way to everyone else.
Putting your unique stamp on the area outside your home is a gradual process. Sure, there are a few things you can do right away but I will help you pace yourself and make transformational choices. This is a self-paced, online video class with the emphasis on tackling manageable assignments after each pep talk.
My goal is for you to say, “This course gave me the motivation to express myself outdoors while having fun doing it and without spending a fortune.”
Expressing yourself outdoors does not have to be expensive and I will explain how. And this is a great time of year to make plans. You do not have to take my Expressive At Home course first, although you may, if you wish. These online courses can be taken in any order.
Here’s the course outline in process:
Expressive Outdoors: Sprinkle More You All Around Your Home
Fun Is The Formula For A Happy Yard
Paint With Living Things
Claim Your Outdoor Inheritance
Upcycle Your Inspiration
Instant Gratification With Containers
Edible Gardening Made Easy
Create An Artful Yard
Finishing Touches Ignite Magic
Savor The Long Game
Enjoy Relaxing Outdoors
The future price of this course will be $99 but, for a limited time, the discounted Beta-user price is $49. Register now to become a Beta User. The Beta period begins on October 2nd and that’s when you can expect your first round of questions. Courses take 3-4 weeks to launch. Register here to become a Beta User — it’s fun and you will learn so much about yourself.
So much inspiration, so much time! Visit my online creative confidence school and start expressing yourself afresh right now. Join the creative confidence club: subscribe to the Christina Katz blog and sign up for The Prosperous Creative ezine for a free gift, the latest news and exclusive discounts you won’t find elsewhere. Need more encouraging words in your life? Check out my Etsy shop. And have you seen all of the helpful offerings in my online shop? Be sure to check them out before you click away. Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing my work with all of your creative friends!