One of the reasons I have changed the way I teach goal-setting is because I have realized that goal-setting needs to be a personal process for writers.
There is no one set of goals that suits every writer!
Yet I have noticed that the world is full of messages for writers telling us what our goals “should” be.
I won’t list them here. You see them enough.
What I know is that the goals others choose for us are often too big for most writers.
They are out of reach and I think this is purposeful. I think some people want to get us on a track of “too big” to keep us hooked.
Unfortunately, getting hooked into goals that are not our own sets writers up for failure and frustration.
And this may lead writers to believe that there is no point in setting any goals.
Or that the goals they have in mind are not as worthy as the goals others have for them.
But listen up. It’s time to reclaim your writing career goals and reclaim your sense of personal satisfaction with your goals.
I have been working with writers for a decade and a half, and I am here to tell you that you must customize your goals to suit your dreams. It’s the only way to enjoy the journey.
You are not on track if you are following the dreams of others. You are on track when you dig deeper than the messages you receive and set your sights on your personal desires. That’s how you become the creator of your destiny.
This is when the magic starts to happen. As soon as you start listening to yourself and taking action on your dreams, you can feel the shift away from “have to” and towards expansiveness, adventure, and joy.
Again, no one can do this for you. You have to do it. You have to spend a bit of time with yourself reflecting on what you want and what goals will bring you the most satisfaction.
After you identify them, you can move forward in a prosperous direction.
There is only one prosperous direction for you, and that is in the direction of your dreams.
I hope you can join the focused and determined group of writers who have already signed up for my monthly coaching program.
I have recently changed the name to Become Your Own Writing Coach & Multiply Your Productivity x 10. You can read about that change here.
I would love to work with you and help you empower your choices and create the kinds of results you imagine.
TODAY is the last day to sign up for the next round. I will no longer be posting past rounds for purchase. You must register for the monthly $10 subscription to get on the list of participants.
This is an amazingly inexpensive deal for this kind of ongoing support. Join us and find out for yourself!
The next batch of tools goes out on October 6th at noon. Hope to work with you!
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As an author with a boat-load of goals, I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed lately. Thank you for this helping of much-needed encouragement.