Turn on the news and you will notice that the world is presented as a fairly ugly place.
The bottom line is: words often fail us. They are…limited.
People get upset and use words as weapons. Next thing you know, we have divided humanity rather than uniting us.
I am not crazy about the headlines or the manipulation of the media to provoke reactions from the masses.
But there is one thing I am over the moon about, and that is the surge of beauty and creativity I find online these days.
Fire up Pinterest and Instagram, and you will notice that beauty has become a global movement and creativity is at an all time high.
And guess who the beauty movement leaders are?
Yup, you guessed it. They are women.
They know a little secret: flowers are powerful. They are quiet, yet transformative. They affect people in ways words cannot. Flowers heal us. Each and every single one shines with earth light.
And we could also shine with earth light, too, if we would slow down to the speed of life.
Maybe like me, you have always adored flowers and yet always found the traditional floral businesses to be rather old-fashioned and ho-hum. No longer! Flowers have become a creative medium, not merely a collection of old standards you can send to express congratulations or condolences.
Flower bouquets are the new poetry. And these poems are multi-sensual, colorful and awe-inspiring. The poets are artists who are also business women. Visual impact is valuable. Variety is something to celebrate.
So three cheers for flowers! I am a big fan myself and I do my best to share the wealth of beauty growing in our yard. The women below are leaders in the flower power movement, and I have nothing but respect for them. Please check them out, if you haven’t already. I’d love to hear what you think!
Armload Of Flowers: Erin Benzakein
Wildflower Worshiper: Katie Daisy
Flower Petal Artist: Bridget Beth Collins
Flowers For Transformation: Katie Hess
When I have something to say, this blog is the place where I give myself permission to say it. Though I often write about writing and creativity, I also write about issues that are important to me. I help folks become more creative for personal enjoyment, professional development and transformational growth. I am a veteran journalist, author and coach with over a decade and a half of experience and a wealth of techniques to share. Whether you are a professional creative or hope to become one some day, I can help you embrace your personal strengths, explore your creative possibilities, and evolve incrementally into your most inspiring self. If you are ready to achieve creative consistency in your life and career, email me about monthly coaching calls. Looking for more fun in your life daily? Then join us for Collaging For Self-discovery, my online accountability group. To learn more about increasing your creative confidence, please check out my online school. Stay tuned for ways to save money by becoming a Beta User for my next new course by subscribing to The Prosperous Creative. And don’t forget to get these blog posts delivered to your inbox, so you never miss a post. If you appreciate my work—school, products, blog and social media posts—you are welcome to make a contribution of any size at any time. Thank you for your support!