Well, well, well, I never thought this day would come.
I added vintage items to my Etsy shop, BlissCraftLife. I never thought I would actually let myself do something I enjoy doing so much.
Do you know what I mean? Sometimes it’s just hard to overcome the conditioning that says that real work is serious, hard and grueling. And you’d better have a degree in that or just forget it.
Not that creating an Etsy shop is a piece of cake — it isn’t. Mostly it takes time and surrendering to the step-by-step, trial and error process. But by expanding what I offer to include vintage items, my shop just feels more well-rounded — more like me.
I’m multi-faceted and I like being this way. I know I am not the only person, who enjoys taking a varied approach to life.
So, here it is– my newly updated Etsy shop, Blisscraft Life. I am having fun with it and I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s all about.
Thanks for checking it out and supporting me by following my shop, liking some items and even making a purchase if you feel so moved.
I appreciate your time and I hope you are taking some time to follow your bliss today, too.