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Learn To Love Platform & Embrace Your Strengths, Writers

Writers often dismiss platform development and platform building. But they are denying themselves the fun that comes part and parcel with platform development.

The other thing they deny themselves is the self-awareness that comes from playing around with platform, not to mention the professional strides that can be taken in thoughtful directions because of personal insights and epiphanies that can be gained from platform building.

Writers often make assumptions that lead to mistakes. And believing that platform is all about “selling out” rather than what it is really about, which is turning your potential into something powerful in the world.

Long story short, if you think platform is just about expanding your audience, then you are selling the process and your career short.

If you focus only on what is happening out there in response to your work at this expense of what is happening (and has happened and will happen) inside of you, then there is no alchemy.

The most successful platforms are about transmuting your potential into actual successful work in the world.

So, stop your groaning and get off your high horse and get to work on your platform, writers.

You are going to get around to it some day anyway. There is no getting around it in today’s marketplace.

But you could be enjoying the process right now, if only you would stop treating it like medicine you refuse to swallow.

These are some of my many offerings designed to help writers establish, develop, and grow their platforms. All of them, are educational, expansive, and yes, even fun.

If you do not have a platform yet:

Get Known Before The Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths To Grow Your Author Platform, my book on foundational platform principles

Discover Your Platform Potential, A Companion Workbook For Get Known Before The Book Deal

Platform Bingo, Level One, A 24-day Challenge

Discover Your Specialty & Launch Your Platform, A Six-week Class

If you have a platform already:

50 Simple Ways To Build Your Platform In Five Minutes A Day, an article I wrote for Writer’s Digest Magazine

Platform Bingo Level One, When it’s time to update your bio

Platform Bingo Level Two, A 24-day Challenge, When you want to expand & update your website

Platform Bingo Level Three, A 24-day Challenge, To help you acquire more professional credibility

The Writer’s Workout, 366 Tips, Tasks & Techniques From Your Writing Career Coach, when you want to learn how to juggle platform evolution with long-term writing career growth

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