Okay, so June 1st is your last chance to take a writing challenge with me until August 1st.
If this statement is not inherently dramatic, just remember, you will likely do a whole lot of summering between now and August 1st and you know what? My challenges actually lend themselves really well to summer. The reason is because you can undertake a short writing challenge each day and feel like you are accomplishing some writing of substance, so you then feel free to take the rest of the day off!
Since the challenge starts on a Sunday, please register this week if you want to participate in any of the eleven challenges being offered. Keep reading for links.
If you are thinking about NaNoWriMo, June is a great month to test drive your novel (or whatever) idea that you plan to tackle in earnest in November. Once you’ve written on your topic 21 times, you can turn that project on over to your subconscious for the rest of your vacation and see what it can dream up for your project. I bet you won’t even feel like you are doing any work — but you will be, deep down, where it counts.
Another idea, if you are already a challenge-lover, is to try reading the prompt at night before bed then sleep on it and tackle your writing response the next morning.
This is a fun twist for those of you who are morning people and always do your writing challenge first thing in the morning. See what happens when you try it at night instead.
If you are a die-hard morning person, then why not read your prompt first thing, and carry a small pad or note card or phone around with you during the day, to try capturing your response moment on the fly?
All of these methods work well for folks who have already started summer vacation or who are about to start it.
Finally, I have already announced, but please remember that this is your last chance to take both a 21 Moments Challenge and a Platform Bingo Challenge for the foreseeable future because all eight challenges are going “into the vault” for a break for an undetermined amount of time.
Will they come back out?
When will they come back out?
Will they be the same when they come out?
I’m not sure yet. But I know I’m ready to give them a rest to free up my creativity for new projects.
So don’t miss your last chance to take 21 Moments or Platform Bingo Challenge. They both get rave reviews from participants.
If you’ve taken all of them, I hope you will check out my Freelance Writing Challenges. There is always something new to learn for eager-to-learn writers who work with me.
Here’s the complete list of registration locations for the June Challenge. Don’t miss it!
21 Moments Writing Challenges
Learn more
21 Moments Monthly Writing Challenge: Round One Register
21 Moments Monthly Writing Challenge: Round Two Register
21 Moments Monthly Writing Challenge: Round Three Register
21 Moments Monthly Writing Challenge: Round Four Register
21 Moments Monthly Writing Challenge: Round Five Register
Freelance Writing Challenges
Learn more
The Christina Katz Article Writing Challenge Register
The Christina Katz Grammar & Punctuation Challenge Register
The Christina Katz Essay Writing Challenge Register
Platform Bingo Challenges
Learn more
Platform Bingo With Christina Katz: Level One Register
Platform Bingo With Christina Katz: Level Two Register
Platform Bingo With Christina Katz: Level Three Register