What I am creating right now…
These days, my business is bursting with:
- Inspiring myself. My primary job is to inspire myself so I can create more inspired work.
- Exploring my fascination with the following topics: creativity, self-expression, self-care & education.
- Changing the world by interacting with it: writing, creating art, developing products and projects, exploring living my values and sharing my point of view with the world.
- Cultivating a home with my husband and daughter where we all thrive and replenish our ability to enjoy all life has to offer.
I get paid to:
- Conduct phone consults with writers and creatives who want to cultivate clearer communication skills and increase their impact on the world. Learn more.
- Build an online school that helps students tap into and amplify their creative power. Visit school.
- Republish my three traditionally published books under my own imprint. Explore my three platform development courses inspired by Get Known Before The Book Deal.
- Create inspirational prints to share in my Etsy Shop, Words, Glorious Words! Check out my store.
- Work on multiple articles at the same time on my favorite topics and get them all published. Take my three inspiring classes on article writing or start your own article-writing business.
- Inspire creative women who want to express themselves fully in the world. Subscribe to my ezine to stay in the loop.
- Inspire writers via my courses, books, ebooks, and prompts. Have you tried my seasonal prompt ebooks?
- Coach a small, selective group of students on an ongoing basis. Sorry, closed to new members—check out my online school, instead.
- Support my husband’s and daughter’s works and projects. It’s all one big balancing act!
My daily marching orders:
- Only read things that inspire me.
- Carefully filter input via all channels.
- Treat creative practices as meditation.
- Practice extreme self-care.
- Create a transformational home.
- Learn something new every day.
- Enjoy variety in all of its earthly forms.
- Express something I’ve never said before, and share it with the world, every single day.
- Embrace an adventurous approach to life.
I am daydreaming about…
- Reading magazines in bed with cookies and a mug of something hot.
- Scoring a great deal on a vintage typewriter I want more than life itself. Get inspired here.
- Taking excellent care of myself rather than thinking the same money would be better spent elsewhere. Check out my self-care ebook.
- Going on antiquing and flea market adventures and finding a few remarkable yet inexpensive things to enrich my life. Ask yourself these fifty questions to live more creatively.
- Snuggling up with my family and pets to watch a movie that keeps us talking for days. (Keeps the people talking, not the animals. They would rather sleep.)
- Eating a tasty lunch out with a creative friend.
- Building my book collections on topics that inspire me and make me feel more alive.
- Taking a road trip to discover a terrific new theater or restaurant while enjoying a town or neighborhood we’ve never visited before.
The above are my priorities. I say no to most everything else. Thanks to Derek Sivers for the inspiration to create this page.
And thanks to Leo Babauta for introducing me to the idea of creating a now page. It makes perfect sense to me. If you want to try it, check out other now pages here.
Page created on January 8, 2017.