I missed February due to personal commitments, so I will send two packages in March. Donate now, if you would like to contribute to my project.

Last month, I saw that a fellow author and colleague had been through some tough stuff in 2016.
And as I read the list of painful occurrence after painful occurrence, I had an inspiration.
I’d put by some old craft supplies instead of recycling them or donating them, because I couldn’t let go of them, but I wasn’t sure what to do with them either.
By the time I’d finished reading this friend’s list of hardships, I knew I could turn those supplies into something fun and playful that might cheer her up.
So I sat myself down one snowy Saturday afternoon with a smattering of supplies strewn all across the kitchen table.
I did not know what to send, so I just started making stuff up. Next thing you knew I was having a blast and the ideas were just flowing.
I gathered items to share with her from around the house, embellishing them with cute labels and vintage papers, until I had about 12 or so items.
I added a few store-bought items to finish off the care package. Nothing pricey, just a few things here and there to supplement what I’d already pulled together.
Then I pulled out a box holiday gifts had come shipped in, which was fairly large and full of packing peanuts and I buried all of the fun things I’d created inside.
When I was done I thought to myself, “Now this is the kind of care package that I would love to get.”
So I sent it, once I could finally get to the UPS store, because there was so much crazy weather.
And a little while afterwards I got a thank you card. It said, “I opened your box like a kid on Christmas morning. I cannot express how much joy and gratitude I felt…”
And I felt like the heartfelt intention behind my inspiration had been fulfilled. And that was a really good feeling.
A little while later, I thought, “Dang, that was fun!”
So I considered my options. Did I want to do it again? How often? To whom would I send the packages?
And eventually it all kind of came to me, as many things do. I would ask for folks to send me their extra craft supplies. I would create care packages when I found a good match for my efforts. And I would send about one per month.
And now it’s almost time for me to create the next care package!
So I thought I would ask for some help.
I need your leftover craft supplies. I am looking for the ones you are not sure you really want to use again.
They may feel old to you, but they will feel new to me. Even a large envelope full of bits and pieces will surely spark my imagination. It does not need to be a lot of supplies.
If you don’t have any craft supplies but you still you want to support my efforts, you can always send me a gift card to Michaels. I get most of my craft supplies there, and I promise to get good discounts on any care package items that I find there.
You could also get me a gift card to Etsy, and I promise to use it only on craft supplies. They have lots of cool craft supplies on there that I love, and you might, too. Check it out!
[This is not technically part of my business. This is more like a charitable hobby. So nothing is tax-deductible and nothing will be claimed on my taxes. But since I am asking readers for help, I will update you on my progress as I care-package my way through the year.]
And if this post inspires you to send out some whimsical care packages of your own, I think that’s great. Why not comment on this post or on a later post and share your process. You can also post something in your blog and do a pingback to this post.
In the meantime, here is my address. I hope you will participate in helping me spread a little cheer in the dreary New Year!
Christina Katz
PO Box 1354
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Thank you in advance for your support!
Christina Katz has been a self-care advocate for women and moms since she wrote the popular article, “The Art Of Making Time For Yourself,” which lead to an appearance on Good Morning America. Since then, she has written gobs of articles on the self-care, which are regularly published in magazines all over North America. To learn more about taking better care of yourself, check out her new video class More Joy Now, her ebook, The Art Of Making Time For Yourself, and her 50 self-reflection questions for women, Creative Knowing.