If I can’t be creative, then I don’t want to do it.
If I can’t be creative, I don’t want to do anything.
This is a truth about me that I recognized a long time ago.
Another truth is, once I figure something out, I like to help others figure it out, too.
In my many years of being creative, this second truth emerged, and this is how I became a teacher.
So, based on knowing myself and realizing that I enjoy serving others, I became a creative teacher. I’m a creative person who also coaches others to channel their creativity in practical ways.
If you don’t know what makes you tick as a professional, you’re not going to be able to enjoy your work.
You also won’t be as successful as you could be. Or if you are successful, you won’t enjoy your success as much as you could. And then, what’s the point?
Your primary job is to do enough consistent work to notice and then embrace who you are as a professional.
Don’t listen to people who tell you that who you are is not an important part of the equation.
And don’t listen to people who tell you that you can just go off on a mountaintop and be you without consideration of how you fit into the bigger picture, either.
There are certain things that make you You. And if you are not aware of and prioritizing those things, you might be spinning your wheels or feeling frustrated.
So start with the simple questions.
Who am I?
Who am I really?
When am I the happiest?
When am I the most satisfied?
How does my satisfying work serve the world?
If you can answer these questions honestly, you are in great shape to love what you do everyday.
And if you can’t or don’t answer them, then don’t be surprised if you are struggling.
Part of what I do is make tools that help creatives get centered. Because being centered in who you are is always the starting place. You can consider how to serve afterwards. But first consider who you are and what you love.
I hope you will check out my incredibly inexpensive offerings for creatives.
Creative Knowing workbook (Click on the cover to learn more) Only $1.99

Creative Rx Video Affirmations (Click on the cover to learn more) Only $15

Unwrap Your Creative Gifts Daily Prompt Challenge (Starts on Monday! Click on the badge to learn more.) Only $22