Well guys, I was about ready to fall over after this giveaway. Organizing and hosting it is a ton of work on top of an already full writing and teaching schedule.
If you are feeling grateful and you’d like to thank me, supporting my work in the world is the best possible way to do this.
Thanks in advance for your support. I always appreciate it!
As for our giveaway authors, I am sure they would love nothing more for you to thank them by purchasing their books and adding them to your summer reading lists. If you are a winner and you can thank your author directly, I certainly appreciate it.
If you can help them spread the word about their work with a book review or a blog post or even just buzzing their work on social media, any and all support is appreciated.
I enjoy hosting the giveaway because I love supporting women and mom authors. I was blown away by the level of quality and professionalism in the giveaway this year. I feel like we all deserve as much success as can possibly come our way.
What an incredible bunch of creative and hard-working women! Please join me in thanking them by commenting here, if you feel so moved.
Winners will be contacted directly by e-mail. Because of this, I won’t be publishing a round-up of winner names.
Everyone receiving books should have them in hand by the end of June. Please let me know if you do not receive your books by June 30th. And please allow some time for busy, touring authors to get books to you. I know they will just as soon as they can.
Here is the complete list of authors and books one more time:
April 30: Julie Kibler, Calling Me Home LINK (one winner)
May 1. Caroline Grant and Lisa Catherine Harper (editors), The Cassoulet Saved Our Marriage: True Tales of Food, Family, and How We Learn to Eat LINK (one winner)
May 2. Nicole Baart, Sleeping In Eden LINK & Amy Hatvany, Heart Like Mine LINK (two winners, one for each book)
May 3. Monica Drake, The Stud Book, A Novel LINK (one winner)
May 4. Kerry Cohen, Seeing Ezra, A Mother’s Story Of Autism, Unconditional Love, And The Meaning Of Normal LINK (one winner)
May 5. Christa Hines, Confidently Connected, A Mom’s Guide To A Satisfying Social Life LINK (three winners for three e-books)
May 6. Anita Hughes, Market Street, A Novel LINK & Heather Barbieri, The Cottage At Glass Beach LINK (two winners, one for each book)
May 7. Jennifer Margulis, The Business of Baby, What Doctors Don’t Tell You, What Corporations Try to Sell You, and How to Put Your Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Before Their Bottom Line LINK (one winner)
May 8. Nichole Bernier, The Unfinished Work Of Elizabeth D LINK & Randy Susan Meyers, The Comfort Of Lies LINK (two winners, one for each book)
May 9. Gina Barreca, They Used To Call Me Snow White…But I Drifted LINK (one winner)
May 10. Sharon Short, My One Square Inch of Alaska LINK & Amy Nathan, The Glass Wives, A Novel LINK (two winners, one for each book)
May 11. Jen Karuza Schile, Captain of Her Crew: The Commercial Fishing Mom’s Guide to Navigating Life at Home LINK (three books for three winners)
May 12. Mother’s Day Multi-book Author: Yona McDonough, A Wedding In Great Neck LINK & The Doll Shop Downstairs LINK, The Cats In The Doll Shop LINK, All The Available Light: A Marilyn Monroe Reader LINK, Eve And Her Sister: Women Of The Old Testament LINK (illustrated by the author’s mother, Malcah Zeldis)
May 13. Lara Krupicka, Family Bucket Lists, Bring More Fun, Adventure & Camaraderie Into Every Day LINK (three e-books for three winners)
May 14. Laura Whitcomb, Under The Light LINK & A Certain Slant Of Light LINK (both books for one winner)
May 15. Krysty Krywko, Late-Onset Hearing Loss, A Parent’s Perspective LINK (three winners for three e-books)
May 16. Christina Baker Kline, Orphan Train LINK & Jessica Maria Tuccelli, Glow LINK (two winners, one for each book)
May 17. Judy M. Miller, What To Expect From Your Adopted Tween LINK (three winners for three e-books)
May 18. Marci Nault, The Lake House LINK & Barbara Claypole White, The Unfinished Garden LINK (two winners, one for each book)
May 19. Heidi Smith Luedtke, Detachment Parenting, 33 Ways To Keep Your Cool When Kids Melt Down LINK (three copies for three winners)
May 20. Therese Walsh, The Last Will Of Moira Leahy LINK (one copy)
May 21. Kelly James Enger, Writer For Hire LINK, Six-figure Freelancing LINK, and Dollars & Deadlines LINK (all three to one winner)
May 22. Mia March, Finding Colin Firth LINK and The Meryl Streep Movie Club LINK (one winner for both books)
May 23. Cindy Hudson, Book By Book, The Complete Guide To Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs LINK, plus Mother-Daughter Book Club Meeting Planner Guides Collections One LINK and Two LINK, and the Cultural Explorations Collection LINK (one winner for book + e-books)
May 24. Lela Davidson, Blacklisted From The PTA LINK, Who Peed On My Yoga Mat? LINK and Sexy, Smart & Search Engine Friendly LINK (one winner for all two books + one e-book)
May 25. Kathleen McCleary, House And Home LINK and A Simple Thing LINK (one winner for both books)
May 26. Malia Jacobson, Sleep Tight Every Night LINK and Ready, Set, Sleep LINK (three winners for three sets of e-books)
May 27. Erika Robuck, Call Me Zelda LINK and Hemingway’s Girl LINK (one winner for both books)
May 28. Christina Katz, Writer Mama LINK, Get Known Before The Book Deal LINK, and The Writer’s Workout LINK (one winner for all three books) and Write For Regional Parenting Publications For Fun & Profit LINK, Author Mama LINK, and Discover Your Platform Potential LINK (one winner for all books and e-books, I will also throw in a Writer Mama bumper sticker) and a copy of my brand-new e-book, The Art Of Making Time For Yourself LINK.
May 29. Heather Vogel Frederick, Spy Mice: The Black Paw LINK, For Your Paws Only LINK, and Goldwhiskers LINK (one winner for all three books)
May 30. Caroline Leavitt, three copies of Is This Tomorrow LINK (three winners)
May 31. Jennie Shortridge, Love, Water, Memory LINK, When She Flew LINK, Love and Biology At The Center Of The Universe LINK, Eating Heaven LINK, and Riding With The Queen LINK (one winner for all five books)
If you would like to see images of all the books and authors, please visit the giveaway Pinterest page for 2013!
Thank you for participating. Thank you for spreading the word. And thank you for being you.