Here’s some soulful shopping recommendations for a happier, simpler holiday.
The Christmas Tree Stand That Will Save Your Marriage
My Jewish husband always enjoys having a Christmas tree but he used to hate getting the darn thing into its stand. With this amazing Christmas Tree Stand from Krinner, we bicker no more about standing up the tree. I swear this tree stand will make your holiday jollier, starting the day you decorate for the holidays. Click on the image to learn more.
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Hand Soap

I have the best luck with the seasonal scents at Target. But you usually need to buy early because the seasonal products clear out quickly. Here’s the link to the hand soap Amazon page and the Mrs. Meyer’s website. I love the Orange Clove, Peppermint and Iowa Pine scents for the holidays. Other favorite scents include Rhubarb, Basil, Apple, Radish, Parsley, Lilac, Apple Cider and Pumpkin. Here are all of the holiday scents!
Trader Joe’s Holiday Groceries

Because we have a small family, Trader Joe’s is the perfect place to shop for groceries. I find the everyday prices are cheaper on most things than my local grocery store, I trust the quality, and Trader Joe’s donates food to families in need. Products I love this time of year include the Racine Danish Kringle Almond Kringle, which they sell for $7.99 (compare the Almond Kringle to the usual price online of $20.95!). TJ’s Sipping Chocolate makes a great teacher or hostess gift. And we usually purchase our Gingerbread House at Trader Joe’s each year. Year-round favorites of mine include the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups, heck, anything on the shelves that is covered in dark chocolate works for me! We make good use of their frozen fruit year round for a nice variety of smoothies. I also love their cracker selection, Nacho Tortilla Chips, and selection of nuts, dried fruits, and granola bars. Find the Trader Joe’s nearest you by visiting their website. Be sure to check out the prices on their spices and pet food, which can save you tons of money. I love you Trader Joe’s, but please bring back the blue cheese pecan dip!
World Market Rocks!
Like Trader Joe’s, another place I love to shop that has a global flavor is World Market. If you are looking for fun stocking stuffers, you can’t go wrong at this store. They always send me a birthday coupon, which makes me like them even more. Sign up for their rewards program, so you can benefit from discounts and coupons.
Take Excellent Care Of Your Pets
Go ahead and get that puppy or kitten for a holiday gift, I say. Better yet, get pets in twos. This is especially helpful if you are away from home much of the day, so they can keep each other company. I have six pets (two dogs and four cats), who give my family lots of love all year-long, and I want to take excellent care of them without spending a fortune. A lot of times we talk about toys and treats for pets, but I find that keeping these things to a minimum extends the life of my pets. What I focus on instead is the highest quality food we can afford and whatever supplements they need to stay healthy at their age. I take quality supplements to stay healthy, so it’s no surprise that they help my pets, too. When our cat Maggie recently came down with urinary tract issues at the ripe old age of three, we eventually switched her food to Uretic from Wysong. I combine this food, with wet food with extra water and with two other products — Tinkle Tonic and Natura Petz Organics Break It Up Meal Topper (follow instructions for all) and the healing has been dramatic. Improvement didn’t happen overnight for Maggie, but it has happened slowly and steadily over time. If you have a cat with urinary tract challenges and no other serious health issues, I suggest trying this routine for a couple of months. We feed our pets without health issues Canidae foods and have been using them for many years. Choose the variety that best suits each pet’s age and needs. Our dogs love Nupro Joint Support. We mix this powder with water and their dry food and they love the flavor. They are noticeably more spry while taking this supplement, so I highly recommend it. Nupro comes in a variety of sizes, please follow instructions for best results. We usually purchase wet food and treats at Trader Joe’s because I trust them and they save money.
Supplements For A Healthy New Year

I have written fairly extensively about my choice of supplements over the past few years. If you are looking for general good or improved health, I recommend Healthforce supplements. If you are dealing with issues related to being female, I recommend Vitanica (see the post I wrote for further information and recommendations).
Purchase Magazine Subscriptions In November
For me, sitting at the kitchen table reading a magazine with a cup of tea or coffee is the ultimate self-indulgence. This is the second year I have gotten a year’s worth of magazines at a ridiculously low price. I shop Discount Mags between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The first year I did Cyber Monday and got 10 magazine subscriptions for $30, and this year I hand-picked discounted titles and got exactly what I wanted for the year at a good price. Highly recommend this way of purchasing magazines. It has saved me hundreds of dollars and provided tons of good collage journal fodder.
Audible Is My Gift To Myself This Year
People can be snobby about reading, but guess what? It does not matter how you do it. So do it your way, if you prefer listening while you drive, garden or do chores. I am not a sedentary person. So when I am not writing at the computer, I prefer to be in motion. And I am certainly not going to apologize for that! Audible is my gift to myself this year. And you know what? I deserve it. Join me and either get a month free or take advantage of holiday discount offers! The first book I am going to read is Michelle Obama’s Becoming. Becoming is the perfect word to describe the last few years for me. I love the person I am becoming and I can’t wait to hear what Michelle Obama has to say on the topic.
Life Is Too Short To Eat Bad Bagels

Here’s my final shopping tip. If you love bagels as much as my family does, take advantage of Monday Half-price bagels at Einstein’s Bros. Bagels. I am about to scoot up there right now to get our weekly bagel order. They will slice them for you and give you freezer bags to store them. They taste just as fresh as the day they were made when you toast them. I purchase smoked salmon from Costco (they carry a variety) and Cream Cheese from Trader Joe’s to go with them. Because life is too short to eat even one bad bagel. That’s my shopping motto. What’s yours?
When I have something to say, this blog is the place where I give myself permission to say it. I help folks become more creative for personal enjoyment, professional development and transformational growth. I am a veteran journalist, author and coach with over a decade and a half of experience and a wealth of techniques to share. Whether you are a professional creative or hope to become one some day, I can help you embrace your personal strengths, explore your creative possibilities, and evolve incrementally into your most inspiring self. To learn more about increasing your creative confidence, please check out my online school. Stay tuned for my next new course by subscribing to The Prosperous Creative. And don’t forget to get these blog posts delivered to your inbox, so you never miss a post. I am always adding new items to my Etsy shop. I hope you will swing by, take a look and favorite my shop!