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Top Seven Gifts For Moms From Christina Katz

The Art Of Making Time For Yourself, A Collection Of Advice For Moms By Christina KatzYou deserve any one of these gifts moms. Not just any day of the year, but every day of the year!

Creative Knowing, 50 Self-reflection Questions For Women

Written expressly for busy women, this work-booklet is meant to be fun and expansive journey, like a mini-vacation. Learn more.

The Art of Making Time for Yourself, A Collection Of Advice For Moms

If you are struggling to juggle all of your responsibilities and identities as a mom, this collection of helpful inspiration will help you factor yourself back into the happy family equation. Learn more.

Writer Mama, How To Raise A Writing Career Alongside Your Kids

If you want to get started writing for publication, let writer mama Christina Katz help. If she and countless other moms can do it, so can you! Learn more.

Write For Regional Parenting Publications For Fun & Profit, A Beginner’s Guide

Readers who follow the advice in this e-book will find themselves successfully writing and submitting articles to regional parenting publication editors in a professional manner. Learn more.

The Writer’s Workout, 366 Tips, Tasks & Techniques From Your Writing Career Coach

The Writer’s Workout gives you substantial suggestions every day to help you build a robust, unique writing career. Learn more.

Writing Challenges

May includes Freelance Writing Challenges, Platform Bingo, and 21 Moments

Freelance Writing Challenges

Platform Bingo

21 Moments

A Writing Class

May includes Writing & Publishing The Short Stuff, Discover Your Specialty & Launch Your Platform, and 60 Ways To Flex Your Writing & Prosper In Your Niche



60 Ways

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