I have been waiting all summer for this!
I am very pleased to be able to offer a Writer Mama Back-To-Writing Bundle Of Booster Rockets to mom writers this month, and this month only.
The kids are back in school (or back to home school) and now mom can back on her writing horse. I’ve compiled a collection of my best resources to help mom get her writing groove back.
If you are just diving back in to your writing, mom, or just getting writing for the very first time, never fear. You are not alone.
We’ve all been there, at this pregnant pause, right after the kids go back to school, entertaining all the possible ways we could spend our newly free time.
Don’t wait and let this time get filled up with other commitments. Seize the opportunity to set aside some daily time to write.
This is the PERFECT time to get writing and stay writing all school year-long.
If my students can do it, you can do it, too. And then you can goof off next summer if you want.
I have a host of materials and classes here at my site to help mom writers with their writing goals. You can read about them all here.
And to celebrate back-to-school, I am offering a bundle of products created by me and sent to you directly from me:
- A signed paperback copy of Writer Mama, How To Raise Your Writing Career Alongside Your Kids* View
- A PDF copy of Write For Regional Parenting Publications For Fun & Profit View
- The Habits Of Successful Mom Writers Audio Download in MP3 View
- Three 8.5 x 11 inch home office posters specifically designed for mom writers in PDF:
All this for more than half off the retail price for a total of only $19.99.

Right here at ChristinaKatz.com is the only place where you can buy this bundle. Digital products delivered through e-junkie. Media mail shipping for Writer Mama in the Continental US is included!
This offer is for September 2014 only. You can’t get an amazing discounted deal like this on all of these items anywhere else!
Buy now! And be sure to tell all your friends.
* Offer valid in the continental US only. Please allow 24 hours for item to be shipped. Media mail takes approximately 2-8 business days.
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