Over the years, I have been known for my writing, teaching and accountability groups. This year I am bringing my facilitating experience to a whole new type of group, and I’m very excited about it.
Do you love cutting up magazines and making vision boards?
Perhaps, like me, you are already a collage journaler.
Have you always wanted to make time for these activities but have never been able to consistently prioritize the time?
Well, here is your chance to join a group of supportive, like-minded people in a group facilitated by an experienced online facilitator.
The premise of the group is simple: we collage as much as we like throughout the year and then we share a bit of the results with each other. This is not a therapy group; but it is a self-expression group.
If you are just getting started, you can share about your beginning steps and take advantage of tips and tricks from more experienced collagers.
If you have been making vision boards or collage journaling for a while, you can share some of your results and offer encouragement to those with less experience.
We are living in chaotic times and we cannot solve the problems of the world at the level of the problems. Having a collage practice can serve as a centering meditation, bringing you peace, serenity and courage to express yourself on a daily basis.
If you have been craving more serenity, but you have never collaged before, no problem! You do not need to have any collage experience to join this group. Our intention is to band together to create a positive, supportive environment that supports our creative self-expression.
If you are looking for a little reprieve from the latest headlines and a safe, inspiring place online to glean inspiration, then this is the New Year’s resolution for you.
If you are looking for a creative sanctuary in a chaotic world, I would be honored if you would share you path of self-discovery with like-minded others.
I would love to have you on board! I hope you will join me in embarking on a daily creative practice this year. I have changed the pricing structure of the group to pay-what-you-will. Check it out!
No preparation is necessary. Just bring yourself and your enthusiasm and let’s create a great 2018 together!
I am a veteran journalist, author and coach with over a decade and a half of experience and a wealth of techniques to share. I am focused on making the world a saner, more expressive place. I help folks become more creative for personal enjoyment, professional development and transformational growth. Whether you are a professional creative or hope to become one some day, I can help you embrace your personal strengths, explore your creative possibilities, and evolve incrementally into your most inspiring self. If you are ready to achieve creative consistency in your life and career, email me about monthly coaching calls. To learn more about increasing your creative confidence, please check out my online school. Stay tuned for ways to save money by becoming a Beta User for my next new course by subscribing to The Prosperous Creative. And don’t forget to get these blog posts delivered to your inbox, so you never miss a post. If you appreciate my work—school, products, blog and social media posts—you are welcome to make a contribution of any size at any time. Thank you for your support!
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