I can write up a storm in my home office and still enjoy the rest of my home inside and out. And you can, too. Check out my new online course, Expressive At Home.
In my opinion, there is nothing better than becoming a bit more expressive every single day.
And there is nothing worse than being creatively blocked. Ugh!
As a writer, I am fortunate. I get to express myself all the time. Naturally, expressing creativity always feels great.
But in recent years, I find myself wanting to express myself in ways beyond merely writing.
I know now that I used my writing as a bit of a crutch for a while. Writing was my excuse to not express myself in other arenas of my life.
I would think, Well, this room has no style, but I’m a writer so I can’t be bothered with the way this room looks.
Or I would think, I know this outfit is completely uninspired and conveys nothing about who I am, but that doesn’t matter because I’m a writer and I have work to do.
I literally used to think like this all the time about so many things. Then in recent years, I started to notice I was missing out on making personal choices that were being presented to me on a daily basis, and I was using my career as an excuse for not making them.
I was too busy, right? I was too successful. I needed to work long hours to keep up my momentum. These seemed like a good excuses to focus mostly on writing and ignore other things I might have enjoyed but would not make time for.
I was using my writing career as an excuse for not making choice after choice after choice. I had a kind of tunnel vision that was blotting out much of the fun of everyday living.
These days, things have changed dramatically. I am more inclined to get excited about making little choices. Making more choices in more arenas of my life doesn’t take me away from success, in fact, living a fuller life enriches my career and vice-versa.
Today I embrace all of the opportunities for self-expression in my life without feeling overwhelmed by them. And every time I express myself, I feel great about myself whether that means writing an article, cooking a meal, building a class, arrange a vase of flowers, or anything I do that puts my signature stamp on my life.
Expressive At Home is an online course that asks you a lot of questions so you get to make a lot of personal choices. Sometimes we just need to be asked to discover what we feel. When you make many choices every day, change starts to happen without much effort.
Change means you are awake and in a dialogue with yourself about what you need. Change means you are making choices and they are in the process of being fulfilled. Nothing feels better than expressing and meeting your own needs.
Expressive At Home is one of the best classes I’ve ever created. I had waves of input to help make it the best it could be, and folks who have taken it are raving about it. I hope you will check out Expressive At Home. See what folks have to say about it, below, and then stick around to learn about my next class, Expressive Outdoors. If you love the idea of becoming more expressive at home, you are going to love becoming more expressive outside your home, as well.
Home should be a place that feels like a refreshing, nourishing retreat after a busy day navigating an often stressful, unpredictable world. Our homes provide the perfect canvas for expressing who we are and what we value most in our lives. Christina’s course Expressive at Home offers an assortment of inspiring, multi-sensory ideas that quickly helped me discover playful, surprising and inexpensive ways to chase the cobwebs off of tired shelves, rejuvenate cluttered rooms and reinvigorate my creative spirit. I’ve already started integrating Christina’s ideas into my home and can feel my creativity expanding in all areas of my life. ~ Christa Melnyk Hines, Journalist, Author and Connection Expert
The lessons, examples, and exercises in Expressive At Home: Exercises To Skyrocket Your Creativity provided a much-needed reconnection with my home. The step-by-step modules offered fresh insights on how to freshen up my physical spaces while shifting my perspective to see things differently too. Like a gift to the self, I couldn’t wait to dip into the next module each day. Every suggested activity was doable, affordable, and exciting to complete. I highly recommend Expressive At Home: Exercises To Skyrocket Your Creativity. It’s made a big difference in my home in just 10 days! ~ Debra Mars, Creativity and Writing Coach
This is a great course! My house lacks personal expression but now I feel like I can easily become more expressive at home. The length of the videos is just right. I had been feeling stuck and too busy to decorate. I often felt like I did not even know what my taste was. It was amazing how Expressive At Home hit on all of the ways I was feeling and addressed my needs. ~ Sarah Yale, Journalist
All of the lessons in Expressive At Home encouraged change from the inside out. Then end results are then up to us to discover. I especially liked how personal the content felt and hearing about your personal experiences and processes. I can imagine your satisfaction from bringing flowers in from your garden, I can imagine you making a cup of tea while you take one of your hourly breaks, and I can imagine your family coming home and feeling supported by the focal arrangement that featured images from their play. I am already applying some of your insights spontaneously with surges of energy that urge me onward. Thank you! ~ Diane Turner Maller, Journalist and Tutor
Being human means always being in a state of evolution. When we reject this idea, we suffer. But it doesn’t take much to get back in the flow of personal growth. We don’t have to go meditate on a mountaintop. We can start right where we are, at home, and learn so much about ourselves. When we are in touch with ourselves, we can create a home we love that loves us back.
So much inspiration, so much time! Visit my online creative confidence school and start expressing yourself afresh right now. Join the creative confidence club: subscribe to the Christina Katz blog and sign up for The Prosperous Creative ezine for a free gift, the latest news and exclusive discounts you won’t find elsewhere. Need more encouraging words in your life? Check out my Etsy shop. And have you seen all of the helpful offerings in my online shop? Be sure to check them out before you click away. Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing my work with all of your creative friends!