I pledge allegiance to the flowers and the bees and the planet. I promise to grow as many flowers as I can possibly grow to help make a positive impact on the ecological balance in my community and in the world. I am excited to become a more active flower farmer in order to live and work in a win-win-win way with all living beings. I know when I am immersed in planting and nurturing flowers, I am on the best path for me.
As you likely already know, I am madly in love with flowers. I love everything about flowers, and I savor the whole process of working with them from start to finish. Another epiphany I had recently is that there is no one right way to work with flowers. I can approach them any way I want, and how others are working with flowers is only relevant to me if an approach engages me.
Maybe flowers don’t really interest you. I totally understand because I have not always been as obsessed with them as I am right now. I know I am not at all alone. There are gobs and gobs of flower fans across the globe, and many of them are just as passionate about flowers as I am. I think what I am really interested in these days is Flower Magic. Flowers have a transformational power that can enrich our lives in so many ways.
What do flowers mean to me? They mean pure power, color healing, high vibes, heavenly smells, and an opportunity to play with beauty. I think flowers are more powerful than we may have thought. I believe that a lot of plant wisdom has been oppressed by patriarchy. I believe that the expression, ‘stop and smell the flowers’ does not go far enough. Don’t just stop and smell the flowers. Plant the flowers, grow them, interact with them, get your hands dirty, kneel on the earth and let flower-growing be your prayer.
That’s just a little glimpse into how I feel about flowers. For those of you who are similarly transfixed, keep reading! For those of you who are not, feel free to unfollow this blog. The topics going forward will be mostly about earth-centric healing from now on. No hard feelings, if you decide to go. And if you are staying, you are welcome to follow my new Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/BlissCraftLife/.
Let’s talk flower news!
I am currently taking Floret Farms mini-course on planting and processing fall flowers. I am loving it! This is my first year planting bulbs and hardy annuals for spring bouquets, so I appreciate all of Erin Benzakein’s tips. In case you do not already know about Erin and Floret Flower Farm, you may want to check out all of their resources (her whole family is involved in the business because they live on their farm). Whether you are ordering bulbs and seeds, looking for flower-growing tips, ordering their books, or even wanting to become a professional farmer, Floret’s website is like hitting the motherlode! https://www.floretflowers.com/
I love Erin’s first book, Cut Flower Garden, and that is the stage I am in right now. I love growing and arranging flowers from seed (and soon from bulbs). If you love flowers and you have not ordered this book, why not ask for it as a gift? It’s a treasure. You can thank me later.
I am so excited that Erin’s second book is coming out in February 2020, A Year In Flowers, Designing Gorgeous Arrangements For Every Season. Does this sound like a book I will like? Oh my gosh, yes. I could not be more excited to read it and gaze at the gorgeous photography throughout. How can I possibly wait until February to get it? I don’t think I can wait that long. I need Superman to fly around the globe and make the world spin faster.
Or wait…actually, better not. The world is spinning fast enough already, which is another reason I love growing and arranging flowers. It makes everything, including me, settle down so I can more fully enjoy the moment.
If you want to order flower seeds and bulbs from Floret, you have to sign up for Erin’s newsletter because her products sell out quickly once they are released. You can sign up for her newsletter on just about every page of her website — just go here to input your email: https://www.floretflowers.com/.
Are you passionate about flower growing and interested in creating your a flower cutting garden of your own? If so, let’s keep in touch. I can’t wait to create more posts on this topic. Playing with flowers feels as natural to me as breathing. Let’s play with flowers together!
Until next time…I will be outside preparing my beds for winter. Sunshine is in the forecast for the next week, which sounds helpful.
Get down in the dirt in your own yard. I will meet you there in mine. This is how we make the world a more flowered place.
More from Erin Benzakein. Her products are high quality and make great gifts!
My blog posts contain links that allow me to get a small fee for making recommendations. Even so, I only share products I absolutely love. Please see my Disclosure page for more information. Thank you for your support. I appreciate it!