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We all can stand a little help bringing our best ideas down to earth. This photo, which captures this idea so well, is by Blair Fraser.

I am so excited to see how my new methods of working with writers are working.

These are methods that were once upon a time only a dream in my mind’s eye. They were just a wish I had for a more efficient and effective way of working with students. And now they have started to become a reality and I am thrilled about the results.

For example, when I hear from a person who would like to learn as much as she can from me about writer platform, I can immediately do better than that.

I can refer her to my Writer Platform Success class and not just teach her about platform hypothetically, I can help her assess what her platform has to offer, while teaching her about platform, in general, at the same time. And the cost for all of this is so minimal if she takes advantage of my exclusive discount coupon, that it makes me feel extremely proud that all my patience and hard work are working out so well after so much long and hard work.

Yes! This is awesome. She does not have to read a 200-page book on the topic if she does not wish to. We can just cut straight to the chase by having her take my class, assess her progress thus far, and then if she chooses to have a consult with me, we have concrete details about her platform at the ready to discuss.

Because the difference in working with me, as opposed to working with other instructors and coaches, is that I don’t want you to just sit there and listen. I want you to learn by doing! And I want you to learn by doing your work.

Every single thing I offer is specifically designed to help move writers move smoothly and authentically to the next appropriate professional level. This is so much more effective than spending hours and hours discussing a whole bunch of things she does not need to do right now. She will know within an hour after she completes my class what her strengths are, and I will be able to assess on our first phone call what next steps she might take. If this is not the best time for her to focus on platform, she will know by the time she completes the class. And then we can talk about what would make more sense to focus on.

Do you see how incredibly efficient this is?

I am positively gleeful to see humble indications that my video courses can save writers time, headaches, and money as they make major professional strides. Because this is all I ever wanted to accomplish.

For a demonstration of these principles in action, feel free to take my first video course Writer Platform Success. And afterwards if you feel like you need more support determining your next platform steps, sign up for a phone consult with me. And send me your work from the class before we chat, because it’s going to make all the difference in how much we can get done when time is at a premium.

I’d love to work with you! Take my short class and then let’s chat. You totally deserve as much support as you can get along the writing and platform development journey. It does not have to be every month or even every year. I’m here when you need me.


Perfect Mother’s Day Gifts For Writer Mamas

How to write for busy moms raising kids at home who want to make money writing.

I will always have a very fond place in my heart for this book, which still receives rave reviews even eight years after publication!

Oh my, I have been creating excellent quality products for mom writers for many moons.

I thought I would round the best of them up here for Mother’s Day because it’s that time of year to say, “I deserve it!”

And you do, moms, you really do. Why not spoil yourself this Mother’s Day and then spoil yourself a little more.

And the best part is, my books and products help you become a more empowered professional, so you can write them off on your taxes if you are already a freelancer.

Now that’s win-win-win. Happy Mother’s Day!


NEW! Creative Rx: Empowering Video Affirmation Series [Listen To An Audio Introduction Here]

The Art Of Making Time For Yourself, A Collection Of Advice For Moms [Order Here]

Creative Knowing Work-booklet, 50 Self-reflection Questions For Women [Order Here]

The Art Of Making Time For Yourself, A Collection Of Advice For Moms By Christina Katz

Work hard, mamas, but don’t forget to make some time for yourself!

The Daily Creativity Challenge — Last Chance To Participate Starts June 1st! [Learn More]

Inspirational Posters By Christina & Jason Katz [Check Them Out]


Brand-new Signed Copy of Writer Mama, How To Make A Writing Career Alongside Your Kids, paperback, shipped via media mail [Order Here]

Write For Regional Parenting Publications For Fun & Profit, digital ebook, select your platform preference or download in PDF [Order Here]

The Habits Of Successful Mom Writers, audio download in MP3 format [Learn More]

Last Round Of Writing Challenges Start June 1st! [Learn More]

NEW! Writing Accountability Dream Team: Monthly Goal Setting & Goal Assessment [Learn More]


NEW! Power Up Your Platform Like A Pro Video Course [Learn More]

NEW! Writer Platform Success Video Course [Learn More]

The Writer's Workout By Christina Katz large jpg

Just like Writer Mama, I still receive rave reviews of The Writer’s Workout. You have a copy, right?

NEW! Build A Better Bio Video Course [Learn More]

Unlock Your Writer Platform Profits, audio download in MP3 format [Learn More]

Get Known Before The Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths To Grow Your Author Platform in paperback [Learn More]

Discover Your Platform Potential, A Get Known Before The Book Deal Workbook, PDF ebook [Learn More]

Writing A Book

Permission Granted, 45 Reasons To Micro-publish [Order Here]

The Writer’s Workout, 366 Tips, Tasks & Techniques From Your Writing Career Coach in paperback or ebook [Learn More]

FREE! The Writer’s Workout Motivational Poster [Click Here]

For more Mother’s Day gift ideas for writer mamas, visit my Ultimate Gift List For Writers page.

Enjoy every day, moms. And especially Mother’s Day!


Once upon a time, my Dream Teams were only open to writers who had taken my six-week courses. But now my six-week courses are becoming video classes and ANY WRITER is eligible to take monthly video coaching with my coaching delivered right into your inbox.

I am very pleased to make a big and brief announcement. Going forward, my Dream Teams are open to any writer who wants monthly accountability.

The format has changed dramatically, though. From here on out, my monthly Dream Teams will arrive as video coaching in your inbox on the first Tuesday of each month.

What does this accomplish?

Well, for one thing, now any writer can benefit from being a part of my Dream Teams. Members of my Dream Teams have always been the most motivated writers. And now you can become one of them.

Dream Team members are writers who want to create concrete results, but who also want to do it in a sane, personalized manner that brings them joy and prosperity.

Dream Teams do something incredibly important for every writer who participates. They help you hold up a mirror to your wants and needs and transform them into reachable goals you can steadily achieve.

There is really nothing more satisfying than identifying what you really want in your career and then steadily working towards achieving it.

In the past, my Dream Teams had built-in sets of goals that aligned with the courses I was teaching. My new Dream Teams still help you accomplish concrete goals, but they are your personal goals for your writing career, not my goals for you.

You may not realize how easy it is to set and reach goals when you have a good coach helping you thoughtfully create outcomes you actually want. But I can tell you from fourteen years of experience that all of your goals are a lot more likely to happen and happen consistently if you work with a good coach.

And now you can. Because I’ve opened my Dream Teams up and everyone is welcome to join in the professional fun. I will take and answer your toughest questions in the videos as we go along. And I will consistently address the most common freelance sticking points and the most effective ways to overcome these tendencies.

You can read all the details about how Dream Teams work by visiting the new Dream Team page on my site, which is located under the tab, “Work w/ Me.”

The best part is, you don’t have to commit to the whole year if you don’t want to. You can just try it out because Dream Teams are now by monthly subscription via Paypal at a much lower annual price than before.

I hope the idea of creating a hand-crafted writing career thrills and excites you as much as it thrills and excites me to support you on your journey.

If you would like to participate, please subscribe no later than the 28th of each month (starting this month).

Registering for Dream Teams is easy. You can learn all about it here.

I look forward to making a positive difference in your writing career via my all new Dream Teams!  And I look forward to continuing to coach the most satisfied and successful group of freelancers around.

Why wait to join our ranks? Register today! Being part of my Dream Team is a no-brainer once you are subscribed.


Photo by Yu-chuan Hsu

I have been teaching writers for fourteen years. You hear me say this all the time because it’s true and because, in some ways, I can’t believe it.

I never thought I would do any one thing as consistently or for as long as I have taught. The only thing I have done longer than teaching is writing. But writing does not have to be a professional. It can be a vocation, as well, or it can even be a hobby.

For me, teaching is a profession, and it’s also a calling. To a certain extent, it’s a quirk in my personality that makes me itchy to share what I’ve learned and discovered.

Not everyone has this quirk, I’ve noticed. Some folks are perfectly happy to know things and they don’t necessarily feel a desire to share. Or if they do share, they do so in a casual one-on-one manner or in more of a networking manner rather than a teacher-y manner.

Some of us are just born wired to teach. And you know who we can’t teach without? Students, that’s who.

That’s right. Without students, I’m just a walking, talking tower of blah-blah-blah with nobody to share with.

And that stinks. Trust me. I’ve been there. Everyone thinks you are a know-it-all. (And you probably are, I was.)

But when you are a teacher, you are supposed to know stuff. And you also have to be able to admit when you don’t know.

For me, being a teacher is not hard; it’s natural. It’s normal for me to teach and it’s abnormal for me to keep things to myself.

To my mind, it’s being a student that’s hard. Being willing to learn and to learn consistently, now that’s the bigger job. Especially if you’ve already gone to school and gotten a degree or two.

But I have been extremely fortunate in the student department. I have worked with many thoughtful, intelligent students over the years — some of the best minds in my field. And the more foolish and impatient the business world becomes, the more I appreciate them and their steady approach to professional growth even more.

So I thought I’d turn this Teacher Appreciation Day on its head and take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all of my students, old and new, near and far, whether we met once briefly or if I have been working with you for the better part of a decade: I appreciate you for your curiosity, character, and willingness to stretch and grow.

Day after day, year after year, project after project, students are in the mental expansion business. And that, my friends, is the best business to be in.

Some people may never get in the learning game. I don’t know what prevents them from wanting to learn exactly, but for those of us who got in and plan to stay in, as teachers and as students, we are the ultimate winners.

And we win every time we grow, which is every day in my job.

So thank you, thank you, thank you to my students over the past fourteen years. You are the best and I hope to continue working with you long into the future with new techniques, traversing new topics, as we continue to brave the evolution of the marketplace and forge our success.

To teachers and to students everywhere, here’s to our shared growth, enjoyment, and prosperity!


10 Tips For Mom Writers That Turn Every Day Into Mother's DayThese tips are for mom writers, but really they apply to any creative mom, no matter what medium or media she uses to express herself.

1. Recognize that you have a right to spend time doing what you love, and then schedule time every day. If the day is almost over and you didn’t take time yet, make time last thing at night or first thing in the morning.

2. Acknowledge that you are not done learning yet, and sign up to learn something you want to understand better. Make it something juicy to you.

3. Ditch the perfectionism and accept that not only is growth messy, but you probably need to experience some trial and error to find your best methods of making creative strides. Play around until you figure out what works for you.

4. Learn to listen to what others have called “the still, small voice.” If you have not practiced listening to this voice, creativity is not going to flow readily. Then again, practicing creativity is a terrific way to get in touch with what I like to call “the Universal Yes.” What wants to come through you? What’s the right direction? You are the only one who knows.

5. Be the boss of you. Even if you have a boss at your day job, you are the boss of your creative career. You can’t have a creative career until you are willing to become the boss and listen to yourself in the boss role. Organize the various aspects of your personality to report to the big boss (that’s you).

6. Accept that you will hit blocks now and then and have to figure out how to hurdle them or karate chop them. These blocks will seem to come from the outside, but they actually originate with you. I know it does not seem like we would do this to ourselves, but we do. I guess we are just trying to learn how to get out of our own way. When you notice a block, send it running.

7. Get out of the house and away from everything that is already you and explore the world with your intuition as your guide. Some of my most life-changing experiences have come from trying new things, visiting new places, meeting new people, and asking questions never asked before. Don’t be complacent; shake things up.

8. Ask for help. You are going to do the lion’s share of the work, but this does not mean you won’t need help and plenty of it along the way. You don’t have to deserve help; you already deserve it. All you need to do is ask. Ask for help three times daily and watch everything in your life become easier.

9. You are going to need mentors, up close and from a distance. You also need to continually prioritize and re-prioritize what makes your heart sing, so you don’t imitate others. Be you and let your mentors be who they are, too. Give credit for techniques you borrow, ask permission when appropriate, and never take anything that is not being offered.

10. Celebrate all you have attempted and all you have accomplished. What makes you feel tickled pink? Go ahead and feel that way whether others mirror it back to you or not. You can’t float anyone else’s boat until you learn to float your own boat first.

Every day will be Mother’s Day when you are firmly on your path. You will know because the feeling of rightness will be undeniable. Even if you only spend ten minutes a day on your path, that’s better than nothing. If you can spend an hour or two each day doing what you love, your life will change for the better.

I can help you put your attention on your creative goals and grow them until you find satisfaction in the doing and achieving. Check out my latest offerings for mom writers to learn more and Happy Mother’s Day!

Thanks for reading! And thanks for sharing this post with fellow writers! Please subscribe to The Prosperous Writer Blog and sign up for The Prosperous Writer Newsletter for exclusive discounts you won’t find elsewhere. Take advantage of lowest price discounts now in my brand new online writing school.


Photo by Joshua Sortino

Photo by Joshua Sortino

I specialize in teaching writers thing they need to know that are often missed or overlooked.

That’s why you get such a big bang for your buck when you sign up for my monthly writing and creativity challenges.

I will only be offering these challenges via email for two more months including this one.

In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy an inexpensive, educational monthly challenge with me. I consider my challenges to be some of the greatest gems of all of my offerings over the past 14 years. Don’t miss your last few chances to take one!

I’ve posted some of the response to my challenges below, and I want to encourage you to take them before they are gone.

Learn more by clicking on each badge and sign up by 9 pm PT on Monday, May 4th.

Hope to work with you!

Click on any badge to register:

Unwrap Your Creative Gifts Challenge With Christina Katz

Receive 21 excellent examples of great writing in your inbox daily for 21 days. Click on the badge to learn more and register:

Anyone who is looking to become a more facile and joyful parenting article writer should take my Article Writing Challenge.

Christina Katz Freelance Article Writing Challenge For Parenting Writers

Anyone who is looking to become a more thoughtful and skillful parenting essay writer should take my Essay Writing Challenge.

Christina Katz Essay Writing Challenge

Anyone who is looking to become a more thoughtful re-writer and polisher of her own words should take my Grammar & Punctuation Challenge.

Christina Katz Grammar & Punctuation Challenge

Anyone who is looking to become more brave about selling work should sign up for my Sell Your Writing Challenge.

SellYourWritingChallenge copy

The Article Challenge is a great way to help develop daily brainstorming routine. It also helped me to get going with outlining ideas so they can be fleshed out later.  ~ S. Yale

Christina’s Unwrap Your Creative Gifts Challenge jolted me out of the doldrums in terms of my writing and inspired me to start moving in new directions.  ~ E. Giles

Taking this article writing challenge has given me a bank of article outlines to begin the new year and a way to keep on creating more and more when I get to the end of my current list. I highly recommend it for the writer dry of ideas, needing some sort of method to keep her inventory supplied, or just starting out and learning how to create ideas for herself. The best $20 I’ve spent to further my career.  ~ C. Alexander

During 21 Moments I discovered ideas for many intriguing subjects I wanted to write about that had not occurred to me prior.​ An excellent kickstarter to writing for pleasure as well as potential profit.  ~ M. Clair

Once again Christina has aimed her arrow and hit the bull’s-eye with a useful daily challenge. The Grammar & Punctuation challenge helped me efficiently revise current article drafts, keep an eye on tricky punctuation mistakes I shouldn’t be making, and hone my word choice and sentence structure. Writers can expect this challenge to be an effective continuing education tool to help them improve their overall writing.  ~ R. Franz

I like taking online writing classes or workshops, but by far I got the most writing out of 21 Moments. It really clicked with me, that a moment is just a segment of time. Since I don’t have a lot of time due to my day job and other commitments, doing the moments really fit into my schedule.  ~ J. Huspek

The Creativity Challenge is the best challenge yet! Very powerful!  ~ K. Chapple



Anemia Is No Fun: Here Is How I Have Bounced Back From It

Photo by Jeff Shelton

Photo by Jeff Shelton

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is personal experience turned into suggestions. Please consult your doctor, especially if you are pregnant. I am not a doctor, I am just a person who suffers from sporadic anemia, who has found some helpful products and strategies and wishes to share them. Please trust your own body and your own instincts. Please always keep these and other products out of the reach of young children.

Update: I am now using different products than those I recommend below. Those recommended below are great. They helped me a lot. But currently I get all of my supplements from a company called Vitanica. I recommend all of the Vitanica products for women, since the company is founded by a woman specifically to help women with our health needs. The products I currently use on an ongoing basis are: Iron Extra, Slow Flow, and Women’s Symmetry. I worked with a professional Naturopath to determine the best dosages for my needs, and this is what I suggest if your needs surpass the recommended dosages.

A few weeks ago, I got hit with a severe case of anemia. I’ll spare you the details of how I got there. Suffice it to say that this is not the first time in my life that I have struggled with anemia, although I’m pretty sure based on what I’ve learned that it’s going to be the last.

In my research, I discovered that a lot of women are affected by anemia. Anemia mostly hurts teenagers, pregnant women, and middle-aged women, but it can happen any time so all women should have their blood count checked from time to time to find out if they are anemic.

One easy way to keep tabs on your anemia is to give blood regularly because they will check you for anemia first. Don’t give blood if you are anemic, even if you are only a little anemic, because you might faint like I did one time, which was scary and could have caused an injury if the volunteer hadn’t caught me.

One Of The Worst Cases I’ve Ever Had

Indicators of anemia are tiredness, shortness of breath, and headaches. If your anemia is becoming severe, you may have exhaustion, rapid heart beat, headaches, mental confusion, leg cramps, dizziness, insomnia, and pale skin.

I always like to say that my anemia makes me “dumb,” which is why it often gets the best of me despite the number of times it’s happened. Anemia can come on quickly or slowly but if you are tired and confused, it’s hard to pinpoint what’s going on no matter how many times you have been through it. Also, and this is sad, women, especially moms, are used to be tired and worn it in our society. So to all the moms out there, I want to say gently, your exhaustion is not a badge of honor; it’s something that needs to be addressed.

The kind of anemia I am describing here is the most common type of anemia, which is caused by iron deficiency. But there are other kinds, too. For a full discussion of types of anemia as well as causes and symptoms, check out Web Md and read this fact sheet from the US women’s health department.

Okay, so back to me. I was completely worn out. Only days earlier I had been working out three times a week and was planning to increase my workouts. Then whammo! I got hit, and as usual, I became tired and confused and did not respond quickly. When I did respond, I took a new iron supplement that I’d not used before and it was under-effective, even in double and triple doses.

So I turned to Facebook and asked my Facebook friends for suggestions. The most often recommended product was something called Floradix with Herbs, which is a liquid. I took a shot of it in the parking lot. It tasted good to me. I took that to be a good sign.

Floradix With Herbs To The Rescue

At first, I was taking the recommended dose. Then I did a bit of research online and saw that others were taking a double or triple dose for severe anemia. I was severely anemic and getting worse prior to finding the Floradix. I went from working out three times a week to not being able to climb the stairs. When I did make it up the stairs my heart was beating in my ears and sometimes I eve had to lay down to recover. My daughter was in a musical at the time. I was crawling through all the responsibilities associated with it. My anemia really took a lot of the joy out of that experience for me. I won’t let this happen again.

Eating, Drinking & Feeling Better

Once I doubled the dosage of the Floradix with Herbs, I started feeling a lot better, a lot faster. I was also taking a product called ChlorOxygen that I stumbled on at Whole Foods. It’s a Chlorophyll concentrate that you add to water, which says on the label that it “Builds Red Blood Cells.” I asked about it and it sounded like it would help restore some of my energy and it did. It also got me to drink more water, which is important any time, but especially when you have anemia.

The other thing I did, which was helpful, was I started seeking out high-iron foods and eating mostly those in my diet. I would always feel better after eating a high-protein meal with spinach salad. Clams, it turns out, are especially high in iron, and I was like a clam chowder junkie. So do an Internet Search for High-Iron Foods and educate yourself, and then add as many of those foods as you can to your daily diet.

I’ve been sharing the news on Facebook that I am now feeling a lot better after my little wake-up call. My doctor did get me an iron IV in the middle of all this, but unfortunately it took my medical insurance several days to approve the IV, so I got it much later than when I could have really used it. But better late than never.

If any of this describes you or someone you love I hope you will do six things. And here they are:

1. Get Yourself Floradix with Herbs

(Available at Whole Foods or below, from Amazon)

Get it today and try it. Because there is really no other way to tell if this is a good match for you and your body without trying it. Floradix also comes in Gluten/Yeast-free, if that is something you need. I took the regular Floradix and consumed an entire bottle over the course of two weeks.

I took a double dose twice a day, once I tried the product for a couple of days. I would not go beyond this dosage without checking with your doctor. Keep this and all iron supplements out of the reach of children.

Also the product can stain your teeth, so try to swallow without swishing and brush your teeth afterwards. I took my doses when I woke up and before bed, which goes well with teeth brushing.

2. Drink More Water Each Day, Especially If You Drink Caffeinated Beverages

If you are fatigued, you will likely do what I do which is to reach for more caffeine. If you notice that you are doing this, pause and chug a glass of water. If you feel immediately better than you don’t need more caffeine, you need more water. Water is the number one health solution, but we always overlook it. If you are tired right now, go drink a glass of fresh, clean water and tell me if you don’t feel better. Make a deal with yourself that you will chug a glass before caffeine and meals. Simple, yet very helpful.

3. Try ChlorOxygen

(Available at Whole Foods or below, from Amazon)

This stuff is super-dark green and turns your water super dark green, but I liked it. Add 18 – 36 drops to your water twice a day. Just add it to the water you are already drinking. If you do a half hour before breakfast and a half hour before dinner, I found this works well.

4. Eat Mostly High-iron Foods

Beef, clams, spinach, pumpkin seeds, cashews, lentils, poultry, burritos, garbanzo beans…do some research on “Foods That Are High In Iron” and then think about how to get these foods into your meals. If you are low on iron, add a couple of in-between meal snacks that are high in iron like a handful of cashews or some carrots and humus to help you get through the day.

5. Drink Green Juice

(I used Odwalla Superfood, but any organic green juice will do)

Facebook friends suggested it and I was skeptical because I often take green food pills. But drinking a couple of glasses of green juice a day did seem to help me feel better in the short run, so I’m recommending it here. This is all probably starting to sound like a lot to purchase, but I think the combination of all of the above helps turn anemia around more quickly than an iron supplement alone can do. And this is what I think a lot of suffering anemics want — to just feel better as soon as possible. And all of the above added up is not that expensive when compared to a trip to the doctor or hospital.

6. Have A Maintenance Plan

Maybe other iron supplements worked for me in the past, I’m just no longer willing to suffer any longer than I have to. So it’s only iron + absorption assistance for me from here on out. If, like me, you have had chronic struggles with anemia, I suggest you try the same strategies, so you don’t have to wait forever for an iron supplement to start working.

In the long-run, I’d rather not have to take a liquid twice a day (and if this describes you, please check out Vitanica’s Iron Extra that I recommended in the note at the top of this post). Either product works like a charm for anyone dealing with chronic or sporadic anemia.

I’ve listed the products mentioned below on Amazon for your convenience in case you do not live near a Whole Foods. Feel free to comment on your own experience or provide input if you have tried any of these products that I’ve recommended.

And special thanks to all of my Facebook friends, who answered my call for help that day. You guys are the best!

Iron Extra From Vitanica









When I have something to say, this blog is the place where I give myself permission to say it. Though I often write about writing and creativity, I also write about issues that are important to me. I help folks become more creative for personal enjoyment, professional development and transformational growth. I am a veteran journalist, author and coach with over a decade and a half of experience and a wealth of techniques to share. Whether you are a professional creative or hope to become one some day, I can help you embrace your personal strengths, explore your creative possibilities, and evolve incrementally into your most inspiring self. If you are ready to achieve creative consistency in your life and career, email me about monthly coaching calls. Looking for more fun in your life daily? Then join us for Collaging For Self-discovery, my online accountability group. To learn more about increasing your creative confidence, please check out my online school. Stay tuned for ways to save money by becoming a Beta User for my next new course by subscribing to The Prosperous Creative. And don’t forget to get these blog posts delivered to your inbox, so you never miss a post. If you appreciate my work—school, products, blog and social media posts—you are welcome to make a contribution of any size at any time. Thank you for your support!





If I can’t be creative, then I don’t want to do it.

If I can’t be creative, I don’t want to do anything.

This is a truth about me that I recognized a long time ago.

Another truth is, once I figure something out, I like to help others figure it out, too.

In my many years of being creative, this second truth emerged, and this is how I became a teacher.

So, based on knowing myself and realizing that I enjoy serving others, I became a creative teacher. I’m a creative person who also coaches others to channel their creativity in practical ways.

If you don’t know what makes you tick as a professional, you’re not going to be able to enjoy your work.

You also won’t be as successful as you could be. Or if you are successful, you won’t enjoy your success as much as you could. And then, what’s the point?

Your primary job is to do enough consistent work to notice and then embrace who you are as a professional.

Don’t listen to people who tell you that who you are is not an important part of the equation.

And don’t listen to people who tell you that you can just go off on a mountaintop and be you without consideration of how you fit into the bigger picture, either.

There are certain things that make you You. And if you are not aware of and prioritizing those things, you might be spinning your wheels or feeling frustrated.

So start with the simple questions.

Who am I?

Who am I really?

When am I the happiest?

When am I the most satisfied?

How does my satisfying work serve the world?

If you can answer these questions honestly, you are in great shape to love what you do everyday.

And if you can’t or don’t answer them, then don’t be surprised if you are struggling.

Part of what I do is make tools that help creatives get centered. Because being centered in who you are is always the starting place. You can consider how to serve afterwards. But first consider who you are and what you love.

I hope you will check out my incredibly inexpensive offerings for creatives.

Creative Knowing workbook (Click on the cover to learn more) Only $1.99

Creative Knowing, 50 Self-reflection Questions For Women By Christina Katz

Creative Rx Video Affirmations (Click on the cover to learn more) Only $15


Unwrap Your Creative Gifts Daily Prompt Challenge (Starts on Monday! Click on the badge to learn more.) Only $22

Unwrap Your Creative Gifts Challenge With Christina Katz


Photo by Nicolai Berntsen.

Photo by Nicolai Berntsen.

Thanks to Tiffany Doerr Guerzon for asking me to re-share this helpful resource!

Head spinning with ideas and info after a writing conference?

Conferences are almost always informative and helpful. But it’s what you do with what you learn that makes all the difference. It’s about how you transform a bunch of info overload into action that makes all that learning worthwhile.

Here’s what I recommend: within twenty-four hours of attending a conference, get twenty-five actions written down that you can immediately apply in your career.

You’ll likely do best using this worksheet if you fill it out, from memory, the day after a conference.

It’s not a bad habit to get into while you are emptying out your conference tote bag.

Feel free to download this resource to use whenever. And please let me know if you find it helpful.

Happy conferencing!

Take 25 Actions worksheet 2015