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There are several reasons my Writing & Publishing The Short Stuff class is a cut above the rest, and these are the same reasons to take the class from me instead of from an imitator.

1. I have been teaching this particular class for the past six years. Therefore the class contains excellent examples of published pieces written by students from the class. It’s one thing to talk about success in the abstract; it’s another to have been a part of so many students’ successes that you know how to teach the success muscle well.

2. Writing and Publishing The Short Stuff has been continually updated for the past six years based on student feedback and successes. You are not going to find another class anywhere with a curriculum that is so jam-packed with publishing success. Simply put, many have gone before you and many have succeeded. There does not seem to be a limit on how many can succeed because editors will always be happy to work with skilled writers who offer fresh ideas.

3. The more seasoned the instructor, the faster you can succeed. I have been teaching for others and independently for almost twelve years. I am genuinely invested in the success of every student who takes any of my classes. I know this plays a part in my students’ successes. But I can’t do the work for you. Students who take what I teach them and run with it succeed soonest and most often.

4. You can succeed faster working with me than you can with another instructor. I never underestimate the value of proof. I have noticed that, thanks to the steady improvements I have made in my course, that students are succeeding faster than ever before. Writers want proof that techniques are going to work for them. My students apply what they learn and get results. Most classes can’t offer this kind of example.

5. I have written many curricula over the years and this one is strong because it draws from everything I have learned since writing Writer Mama. Every time I write a book, I learn a ton and I pour all that I learn into my future work, including sharing what I have learned with every student I work with personally. You can benefit from all that I have learned working in this industry for the past fourteen years.

6. I have spent twelve years getting better at doing this one thing. Other instructors and institutions, who claim to have as much experience as me, do not share the same focus and level of commitment that I do. My job is to care about one student at a time. To work with each student to help her improve her skills and succeed. Working with me, you are not just a number. I am invested in each student’s success. If you work with me, I am invested in your success.

7. There’s always more to learn if you want to keep learning with me. All of my courses teach skills that can be applied immediately after the class and on an ongoing basis. However, my students also have the option to keep working with me personally, and many of them do. In this age of digital proliferation, you can still work in a simple, straightforward manner to improve your writing and publishing skills with a real, live successful writer. And that’s because some ideas are so helpful that they don’t need to be made more complicated.

ChristinaKatz.com is the only place to sign up for my classes. A dedicated instructor teaching and coaching small groups of committed writers is just as effective as it has always been. I hope to work with you in 2013 in Writing & Publishing The Short Stuff or in any of my classes. Register now for classes that begin January 9th.

And don’t take my word for it. Here’s what recent students have to say about Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff:

Take this class! But only if you’re prepared for hard work, honest, critical responses and a sightline toward a promising future. Christina is an empowering instructor who offers solid information, clear examples and precise instruction about how you can better your writing. Her focus is on you: your process, your knowledge and your work. What more could you want? ~ Kara G.

Christina’s freelancing bootcamp kicked my butt and took me to a new level of writing and productivity. I started out feeling inadequate and too intimidated to approach any markets. Then, Christina pushed me through six weeks of the “Short Stuff,” and I saw my work grow stronger. I am a freelance writer now; I have the skills to start submitting, and to represent myself well. ~ Laurie Z.

If you are a mama with the drive and determination to write and sell your writing, Christina’s class will lead you in the direction you want to go. I can say with confidence that I have been more productive than I could have imagined before starting WPSS. ~ Heather L.

My dream of writing for publication began as a lofty one based little in reality.  As someone with no prior training in writing, I was enthusiastic and completely fanciful about the process and my prospects. The two classes I’ve taken with Christina have helped me set realistic goals and timelines, are helping me narrow my focus, challenging me to rise to a professional level of writing, and encouraging me to persevere.  Not sure where I’d be if I hadn’t taken these classes, but I know it would be nowhere near the road to getting published. ~ Sarah P.

I really enjoyed taking WPPS with Christina. Having a seasoned professional critique my assignments was invaluable and helped me take my writing to the next level. ~ Laura L.

This course was just what I needed to help me progress in my writing career.  I worked hard, and was very grateful for advice and feedback from a knowledgeable, experienced writer. ~ Jennifer J.

Christina teaches an approach that is efficient and professional. I am off to a good start writing quality articles, I know how to analyze markets to see where my subject areas fill a need, and I know how to put forth my best efforts in a professional way that gets the attention and respect of editors. ~ Valorie H.

Christina makes the world of publishing more accessible by starting with the short stuff. Her “can do” attitude is contagious, and with the information I’ve gained from this class, I feel like I can start submitting articles immediately. ~ Tiffany C.

“What is the next step?” Christina asks students this question throughout the course of the class, which, along with her expertise and genuine support and encouragement, has helped me turn ideas into actionable results and published work. Thanks to Christina’s courses and dream team, I have a real plan for my writing career. ~ Heather V.


Turn Your Gift Cards Into Writing Career Investments

If you received gift cards for books for Hanukkah or Christmas, I hope you will use them to purchase any of my three Writer’s Digest books.

My books teach practical, professional skills to writers who write for love and money. Opportunities for writing success are all around us. For any writer success is simply a matter of one focused effort after the other. Once a writer has momentum that’s when things start to get really exciting.

In all of my books, I teach writers how to find their natural momentum through repeated bursts of focused energy. But my books contain much more than simple writing instruction. They are guidebooks to expressing yourself through publishing in order to make an immediate and long-term impact in the world.

The tone in all of my books is encouraging and optimistic. They are written writer-to-writer and explain how you can succeed no matter what is happening in the marketplace. My books will help you discover and activate your writing career potential and have already helped thousands of writers to succeed. I hope you will add them to your real or virtual bookshelves!

The Writer’s Workout: 366 Tips, Tasks & Techniques from your Writing Career Coach



Barnes & Noble



Writer’s Digest



Get Known Before The Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths To Grow An Author Platform


Barnes & Noble





Writer Mama, How To Raise A Writing Career Alongside Your Kids


Barnes & Noble






Author platform, writer platform, artist platform, or simply, platform. Regardless of what you call it, here are the top ten things that matter in an author platform.

These are also the top ten things to keep in mind when building your author platform:

1. Ownership. Who owns your platform? You do. Who can make the most of your hard work? That would be you.

2. Power. You have as much platform power as you do influence. Think that you have to influence the whole world to make an impact? Think again.

3. Energy. Your platform is not what you say. It’s not a message. It’s what you do. What you stand for. It’s who you are and the measure of your good intentions. If you are dynamic; your platform is dynamic. If your platform is not dynamic, it should be.

4. Integrity. If you are just trying to win the short-term profit game, you lose. If you don’t genuinely care about readers, this will be apparent. If you step on other peoples’ toes everywhere you go, they will not forget. Integrity means you can stand up in the face of opposition and calmly voice your honest opinion. It means you know what you know because you know it, not because you are part of an echo chamber.

5. Potential. Where is the greatest potential in your platform? Is it out there somewhere? Is it through social media? Nope? It’s a constantly renewable resource in you. But you have to share what you have to make it meaningful to others. Technology is neutral. People with something sincere to offer are contagious. The word will get around, even if the Internet goes black.

6. Transformation. If you don’t have anything that can create or inspire a genuine change in the reader, then maybe wait until you do before investing a lot to time, energy, and money in your platform.

7. Creativity. There is a natural, organic quality to creativity. Art and ideas are inherently creative. Your creativity expressed enhances your life and the lives of others. Self-expression only hurts when it is suppressed or repressed. You have to have an ego to be creative, but you can’t create well if you are ruled by ego. Have enough ego to think you deserve a platform.

8. Purity. If you have no qualms about leveraging other people’s assets as though they were your own, then maybe you are shameless. People with integrity don’t lean on other people’s work or call it their own. They base their ideas on their own work or extensive research and give credit where credit is due.

9. Authenticity. When you do good work with integrity, name it and claim it. If it’s authentic, it’s got your name all over it, so don’t worry about it. However, if you don’t appreciate and celebrate your own good work, then neither will anyone else. Start your platform by appreciating all that you have done. Then move on to the next most important thing you can do.

10. Freedom. Freedom means you answer to your heart. No other master. To name and claim your platform is to become a voice in the world. Expressing yourself in the world when you have something to say is freeing. Saying what you have to say because you dedicate your work to others is inherently empowering.

When you put your name at the center of your platform, you make a space for yourself in the world. When you showcase your best work in the world, you activate your platform. When you stand on top of the success you have built in the past and use it as way to be more visible for the future, you make waves in the world. When you serve the world, you start to make an impact.

But you can’t build an author platform by sitting back and watching. You can’t build an author platform by talking about what you are going to do or by critiquing others. If you want everyone to know your name, you need to know what it stands for first.

Content and keywords and other buzz words don’t inspire the greatest platforms humanity has ever seen. Passionate people with dedicated followings create the most of the meaningful change in the world. They always have and they always will. These are the people who will be remembered. These are the platforms that will be remembered. This is the kind of platform worth building. Why not begin yours today?

• • •

The Writer’s Workout, 366 Tips, Tasks & Techniques From Your Writing Career Coach is written by Christina Katz for Writer’s Digest Books. For sale everywhere quality books are sold, including: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, IndieBound and Writer’s Digest. Listen to the introduction. Download an excerpt from Scribd. Get motivated by The Writer’s Workout Motivational Poster. Ready to get your career into shape? Let’s write the future…together.


31 Small Holiday Gifts For Writers

I’ve already shared my “Think Big!” holiday ideas for writers this year, so now let’s shift gears and think small.

Here are some of the holiday indulgences I wish for you…

1. Mrs. Meyers Iowa Pine Hand Soap LINK

2. A subscription to your favorite magazines (this site offers great discounts)

3. An inspirational poster for your home office

4. An Eggnog Latté from Starbucks—extra hot!

5. Picture frames or shadow boxes from the craft supply store to display your book or e-book covers

6. A set of your favorite writing pens in a rainbow of colors

7. A stack of colorful index cards for jotting down all you good ideas

8. A book to address exactly the skill you need to master next year (how about Writer Mama?)

9. Fun new business cards for networking LINK

10. A Writer Mama mug LINK

11. A set of thank you cards with your initials LINK

12. An IKEA catalog LINK

13. A new book by one of your favorite authors

14. 50 questions for self-reflection

15. A brand new sketch book, notepad or journal LINK

16. A collection of reminders to put yourself first

17. A pretty paperweight that reminds you of your worth

18. A fun children’s book for you

19. Large clear jars to hold all your idea notecards

20. A writer mama cap LINK

21. White sage to burn in your office to banish bad mojo

22. Fuzzy socks

23. A new calendar for next year (Here’s the one I get every year)

24. Sturdy slippers

25. An iTunes card to spend on music or apps you crave

26. A set of cute hooks on which to hang things that dangle

27. A cozy bathrobe

28. An ebook reader LINK

29. Assorted organic teas LINK

30. A gaggle of holiday movies

31. A cupcake celebration for all that you accomplished this year! (or a virtual one)

~ Photo by bettylynne

I am a veteran journalist, author and coach with over a decade and a half of experience and a wealth of techniques to share. I am focused on making the world a saner, more expressive place. I help folks become more creative for personal enjoyment, professional development and transformational growth. Whether you are a professional creative or hope to become one some day, I can help you embrace your personal strengths, explore your creative possibilities, and evolve incrementally into your most inspiring self. If you are ready to achieve creative consistency in your life and career, email me about monthly coaching calls. To learn more about increasing your creative confidence, please check out my online school. Stay tuned for ways to save money by becoming a Beta User for my next new course by subscribing to The Prosperous Creative. And don’t forget to get these blog posts delivered to your inbox, so you never miss a post. If you appreciate my work—school, products, blog and social media posts—you are welcome to make a contribution of any size at any time. Thank you for your support!


…and discover a whole new career in the New Year!

Discover the writing career that is the one you always wanted, not the one you feel like you got stuck with because of a challenging marketplace.

The truth is: we are creating the marketplace. Writers and readers are co-creating the marketplace together. We get to decide whether this affair is fun or not. So let’s decide to make it more enriching for all of us.

Where do you fit in? How can you enjoy your career more in 2013 instead of being driven into survival mode by fear and anxiety?

You can take a little time to dive deeper into who you are already by uncovering what makes you unique before you get busy. If you have been busy all year long without much time for reflection about the big picture of your career and where and how you fit in, then this e-workbook is for you.

The marketplace is crowded. Every single person you encounter in your career needs to know what makes you unique. Otherwise you are just part of the masses. Just another name in the crowd of millions of writers.

Growing a prosperous, ever-evolving, engaging platform is worth time and reflection each year. If you don’t take the time to do this work each year, a year from now, you will only be further along on the trajectory you are already on today.

Is this the trajectory you wanted? Do you want to deepen and expand on opportunities you’ve already started? Are you enjoying your writing career as much as you had hoped you would?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then my workbook, Discover Your Platform Potential can help you take your writing career to a deeper, more prosperous, more satisfying level with less fear and anxiety and more personal satisfaction on a daily basis, when you apply what you learn from the workbook.

Today is the last day for the discount price. Tomorrow the price goes back up. Don’t miss this chance to conduct an annual inventory on your platform, find out what makes your writing career tick, and then ride that platform power into your most successful year yet in 2013.

Happy almost 2013, writers! Let’s build a more prosperous future for writers together, folks. And that future begins with you and your platform potential.

• • •

Get Known Before The Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths To Grow Your Author Platform is written by Christina Katz for Writer’s Digest Books. For sale everywhere quality books are sold, including: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, IndieBound and Writer’s Digest. Watch the book trailer. Check out the companion workbook, Discover Your Platform Potential. Read my Writer’s Digest article, “50 Ways To Build Your Platform In Five Minutes A Day.” If you are ready to get to work, see when my next Discover Your Specialty & Launch Your Platform class begins. Ready to build your writer platform? Let’s uncover what sets you apart from the crowd…together.


Time For A Platform Update? Platform Workbook Price Slash


When is the last time you took a few hours to review your author platform?

Has it been a while?

Then you don’t want to miss this chance to pick up my e-Workbook, Discover Your Platform Potential, at one third the usual price.

Between now and midnight on December 16th, you can automatically download Discover Your Platform Potential for just $9.99.

Don’t miss out on this great price, even if you won’t be done with the holiday hustle and bustle until the New Year. It’s always a good idea to update your platform every year and to consider all of the income stream possibilities that you might otherwise overlook, if you didn’t take the time to update your online presence.

This special offer is available this week only, during the same window when I am offering a scholarship for my January 9th Writing & Publishing The Short Stuff Class.

Order now and get to work creating the platform you need to take your writing career to the next level in 2013.

• • •

Get Known Before The Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths To Grow Your Author Platform is written by Christina Katz for Writer’s Digest Books. For sale everywhere quality books are sold, including: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, IndieBound and Writer’s Digest. Watch the book trailer. Check out the companion workbook, Discover Your Platform Potential. Read my Writer’s Digest article, “50 Ways To Build Your Platform In Five Minutes A Day.” If you are ready to get to work, see when my next Discover Your Specialty & Launch Your Platform class begins. Ready to build your writer platform? Let’s uncover what sets you apart from the crowd…together.


And The Recipient Of The Writer Mama Scholarship Is…

Teia Monique Collier!

I look forward to working with you in Writing & Publishing The Short Stuff, which starts in just a few short weeks on Wednesday, January 9th.

Thanks to EVERYONE who applied! Choosing scholarship recipients is  extremely difficult because I always receive many applications from worthy writers.

And this time around was NO exception. (Almost everyone could have been awarded a scholarship this time and it was tough to choose just one.)

Watch this blog, christinakatz.com and/or subscribe to The Prosperous Writer e-zine for all the details on future offers. I will be offering one scholarship for each Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff class session.

If you have not checked out my classes, you can learn more on the “Register” page. I am still accepting students for the January 9th Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff class.

But hurry! The class is filling up, so don’t wait! Space is limited.

Congratulations again, Teia. I look forward to working with you!

Are you a mom, who would love to take the Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff Class that starts January 9th, but you would not otherwise be able to afford it?

Then you qualify for The Writer Mama Scholarship!

The application process for the next available scholarship for Writing & Publishing The Short Stuff Class begins today! I am accepting applications until Monday, December 10th at midnight.

One full scholarship is granted each time the class is held, five times per year. Please read this post completely and double-check your application before submitting. The recipient will be announced on Tuesday, December 11th in this blog.

Please feel free to spread the word about the scholarship, even if you do not intend to apply. This is a full scholarship. The recipient commits to participating fully in the class and delivering all six assignments on time.

Please do not apply if you cannot make the commitment to participate in the class, which involves reading the weekly workbook, completing your assignments, and learning from your classmates work. (To learn about what you will get out of the class, please read the full class description.)

No additional time or special coaching is offered with the scholarship. It’s up to the scholarship recipient to make the most of the class.

Please note that this is a scholarship, not a giveaway. This scholarship is only for moms and is offered by class instructor, Christina Katz (that’s me).

One scholarship is available per WPSS class. The scholarship is not transferable if you fail to complete the class. The scholarship is also not transferable in the case of illness, family emergencies, a move, etc. If you have already paid for the class, you do not qualify for the scholarship. If you have already taken the class, you also do not qualify.

What is written in your application is private and your personal information will never be shared or sold beyond announcing the name of the recipient. The only way to qualify is to apply each time. No one else will view your application.

The application questions are below. Copy and paste them into a Microsoft Word document (to take the class you must be able to create and read Microsoft Word documents—no exceptions). Attach your application as a Word doc to your e-mail. Please answer each question concisely and completely.

Send your application to: “christina at christinakatz dot com” – this the only email address for the scholarship. If you do not receive the scholarship, save your application for future scholarships and re-apply. Always add in your most current publication credits, since they are important. Put “WPSS Scholarship Application” in the subject line.

The scholarship recipient will be chosen based on the following criteria: demonstrated effort, need, and enthusiasm. The most important consideration is demonstrated past effort, so please don’t skimp on details of your past writing efforts. Applications accepted from U.S. residents only at this time.

Please Note: The Writer Mama Scholarship is only for moms who legitimately cannot afford class tuition for whatever reason. So if you work at home, earn money, receive money, or your spouse or partner earns enough money for you to afford the class, please expect to regular pay price. My classes are kept affordable specifically so moms can afford them!

To register for the class as a non-scholarship candidate, please visit the registration page. Space in the class is limited.

Here’s the application:

[Copy and paste the following application form into a Word doc >>>]





Have you read the book, Writer Mama? How about my other books?

How long have you been reading my blog(s)?

What version of Microsoft Word software are you currently using?

Have you applied for The Writer Mama Scholarship before?

Write a short response to each of the following questions:

  1. Please write one short paragraph about why you want to take the class, Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff.
  2. Please list by publication name and date only, any publication credits you’ve accumulated thus far. Briefly list any other experience you think is relevant.
  3. Please briefly state why you are unable to afford the tuition for the class at this time (see note below).

[<<<Stop copying this application form]

Thanks for applying for The Writer Mama Scholarship!


Think Big! Holiday Gift List For Prosperous Writers

When it comes to holiday spending on ourselves, most writers are fairly frugal.

But what if you were so prosperous that you afford anything you wanted?

And what if all of your purchases complimented your business?

Just think of the tax write-offs!

This year, just for fun, let’s pretend the sky is the limit.

Here is what I wish for every writer to receive this holiday season.

Happy holidays, writers!

Gifts for Prosperous Writers:

A Macbook Air with an enormous auto back-up drive

Unlimited backup space in the cloud

The best iPhone for you (for me this is not always the latest)

The latest iPad This one is the latest

The latest Kindle

Adobe Creative Cloud

Creative confidence-building online courses

A huge gift certificate to your favorite office supply

Another huge gift certificate to Costco for bulk items

Folding elliptical exercise machine

Membership in all of your favorite writing organizations

Unlimited writing magazines and writing books

Trips to all of your favorite writing conferences

All the literary magazines your heart desires

Monthly coaching with someone who encourages you

A spa trip weekend with your favorite writing buddies

An office decor makeover (brainstorm at Pinterest and study share yours when you are done!)

A huge gift card to an IKEA store within driving distance

A Starbucks Gold Card

A vacation to a beach-side destination or a place in the city so you can feel like a local (see what’s available)

Get on top of your game and stay on top of your game, and decide you are deserving of everything on this list.

You deserve this and better, writers.

I hope you know that you deserve the best. The best quality professional life and lifestyle. Start by giving the best to yourself today in any way you can.

Make it a habit and one day soon, you will never doubt that you deserve the very best that life has to offer.

I am a veteran journalist, author and coach with over a decade and a half of experience and a wealth of techniques to share. I am focused on making the world a saner, more expressive place. I help folks become more creative for personal enjoyment, professional development and transformational growth. Whether you are a professional creative or hope to become one some day, I can help you embrace your personal strengths, explore your creative possibilities, and evolve incrementally into your most inspiring self. If you are ready to achieve creative consistency in your life and career, email me about monthly coaching calls. To learn more about increasing your creative confidence, please check out my online school. Stay tuned for ways to save money by becoming a Beta User for my next new course by subscribing to The Prosperous Creative. And don’t forget to get these blog posts delivered to your inbox, so you never miss a post. If you appreciate my work—school, products, blog and social media posts—you are welcome to make a contribution of any size at any time. Thank you for your support!

~ Photo by eperales


Winter Offerings: Classes, Dream Teams & Something New!

I am very satisfied with the year I have had. I will tell you more about it later in the week. 🙂

The reason I am so thrilled with all of my hard work, is not just because of the successes I have had, but also because of the successes I have shepherded in the careers of others. I have worked hard. They have worked hard. And we are creating writing careers we love without a concern for any of the doom and gloom predictions that have been coming down the pipe over the past few years.

Why are we so successful? Because we get it. We are responsible. We are not looking for shortcuts or expecting anyone to do our work for us. We learn skills and we use them. And we use those skills more wisely each year. We lean into our strengths and address our weaknesses. We enjoy the process and share our success. This is how you build a lasting business no matter what you do.

When I look around the Internet, I see many other moms doing what we are doing and I feel very proud to have played a small part in setting a good example of how to nurture a thriving creative career.

You can be a creative mom and start and grow a business, even in this economy if you are patient, focused, and wise.

If this sounds appealing to you and you want to express your authentic self through writing, I would love to work with you.

These are my winter offerings. Please contact me at “[email protected]” if you would like to discuss the best way to work together and, if you are a returning student, to claim your discounts. Or you can simply go ahead and sign up for a class or Dream Team.

I have an exciting new offering for folks I don’t typically work with that I will announce tomorrow. Suffice it to say that I should have something for every writer in 2013. I am thrilled to expand the ways I  work with eager writers to include writers in every genre. Come back Wednesday and I will tell you all about it.

And don’t forget, if you can’t afford to get started working with me, you can apply for The Writer Mama Scholarship. You have until Sunday at midnight to apply.

In the meantime, here are the ways I can coach you and your career towards greater success in 2013. Hope to work with you!

Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff

60 Ways To Flex Your Content & Prosper in Your Niche

Back By Popular Demand!

Discover Your Specialty & Launch Your Platform

Pitching Practice: Write Six Queries In Six Weeks

Micro-publishing For Mom Writers

Last Time At This Price!

Dream Teams: Ongoing Coaching For Five Months

For Returning Students Only!